Marvin Maddicks Jr.
Marvin Maddicks Jr.
Top Movie Cast
Amityville Turkey Daytrue- Radio DJ (voice) A Hard Placetrue- Marv (Voice) Amityville Bigfoottrue- Bigfoot Expert Remember Me 2: Forget Me Nottrue- Steve Camp Blood 666 Part 2: Exorcism of the Clowntrue- Marvin Strange Toystrue- Radio Host Critters: All You Can Eattrue- Bounty Hunter The Haunting at Saint Joseph'strue The Highgate Vampyretrue- Donny Redwood (Image) Bring Me A Skin For Dancing Intrue- Ben Samuels Mistletoe Massacretrue- (voice) Cheerleader Camp Eliminationtrue Silent Night, Bloody Night 3: Descenttrue- Craig Wilson Phil Herman's Unearthedtrue Top Movie Crew
Debbie Does DemonstrueProduction
Critters: All You Can EattrueSound
Faces of SnufftrueProduction
The Girl Who Wasn't MissingtrueProduction
Project SkyquaketrueProduction
Camp MurdertrueProduction
Killer Poop 2: Amityville PootrueCrew
Killer Poop 3: Night of the Living PooptrueProduction
Killer Poop 3: Night of the Living PooptrueSound
Killer Poop 2: Amityville PootrueProduction
Killer Poop 3: Night of the Living PooptrueCrew
Killer Poop 2: Amityville PootrueSound
Taped Up FamilystrueProduction
Camp Blood 666 Part 2: Exorcism of the ClowntrueProduction
Mistletoe MassacretrueCrew
Meathook Massacre: Next GenerationtrueProduction
A Hard PlacetrueProduction
A Blood Moon RisingtrueCrew
Mistletoe MassacretrueProduction
Book of CreaturestrueSound
The Art Of KillingtrueProduction
The Horror We MaketrueProduction
I Appreciate YoutrueSound
I Appreciate YoutrueProduction
They Came Back from SomewheretrueCrew
Cheerleader Camp EliminationtrueSound
The Black-Eyed ChildrentrueProduction
Live Laugh DietrueProduction
The Whisper 2: Natural ConnectiontrueCrew
The Whisper 2: Natural ConnectiontrueCrew
Late CheckouttrueProduction
Screw Year's EvetrueSound
Silent Night, Bloody Night 3: DescenttrueProduction