Jack 'Tiny' Lipson
Jack 'Tiny' Lipson
Top Movie Cast
Manpowertrue- Midnight Club Bartender (uncredited) Flash Gordontrue- King Vultan Three Daring Daughterstrue- Freddy, Fat Man on Street (uncredited) Punch Drunkstrue- Fat Ringsider (uncredited) Playing the Poniestrue- Cafe Customer (uncredited) Back from the Fronttrue- Huge German Sailor (uncredited) Dizzy Doctorstrue- Shoeshine Victim (uncredited) A Night at the Operatrue- Engineer's Assistant (uncredited) Slippery Silkstrue- Chief of Missing Persons Bureau (uncredited) The Drunkardtrue- Farmer Stevens Babes on Broadwaytrue- Hefty Customer at Nick's (uncredited) I'll Never Heil Againtrue- Bay of Rum (uncredited) Hoi Polloitrue- Party Guest (uncredited) The Stunt Mantrue- Larry's Rival Brothers of the Westtrue- Jake the Hobo Six-Gun Trailtrue- Cafe Waiter Dames Ahoytrue- Scotsman in Kilt Undertowtrue- Beach Vendor Code of the Cactustrue- Cafe Owner (archive footage) Outlaws' Paradisetrue- Toby, Saloon Owner Heaven with a Barbed Wire Fencetrue- Extra in Saloon Straight Shootertrue- Saloon Waiter (archive footage) A Night at the Moviestrue- Movie Patron (uncredited) Boobs in the Woodstrue- Traffic Cop (uncredited) Open Season for Sapstrue- House Detective (uncredited) A Face in the Fogtrue- Fat Detective (uncredited) His Ex Marks the Spottrue- Reposession Man Pardon My Berth Markstrue- Angry Man in Pullman Berth Rocket Shiptrue- King Vultan Babes in Toylandtrue- Nobleman Murder Over New Yorktrue- Hindu (unconfirmed) A Blitz on the Fritztrue- Driver Hit by Tomato Three Little Pigskinstrue- Referee (uncredited) Three Little Beerstrue- Jones (uncredited) Rocky Mountain Rangerstrue- 2nd Bartender Midnight Blunderstrue- The Monster (uncredited) Wild Bill Hickok Ridestrue- Bass Casino Singer Donkey Baseballtrue- Batter (uncredited) Hellzapoppin'true- Junior (uncredited) Lost in a Haremtrue- Café Small Cornet Player (uncredited) Manhattan Melodramatrue- Uncle Angus (uncredited) Two Sisters from Bostontrue- Drexel - Sleeping Man on Stage (uncredited) Spaceship to the Unknowntrue- King Vultan (archive footage) When Strangers Marrytrue- Man in Cafeteria (uncredited) His Bridal Frighttrue- Policeman