Trevor Getz
Trevor Getz
Top Movie Cast
Samuel Wilder King: Fighting for Statehoodtrue- Trevor Getz Noble Sissle's Syncopated Ragtimetrue- Trevor Getz John Henry Balch: Congressional Medal of Honortrue- Trevor Getz Bataan Death Marchtrue- Trevor Getz Frank Maselskis: From WWII POW to Chosin Reservoir Survivortrue- Trevor Getz Black Women and World War II: The 6888th Central Postal Directory Battaliontrue- Trevor Getz The War to End all Wars: And its American Veteranstrue- Trevor Getz The Forgotten Wartrue- Trevor Getz Top Movie Crew
John Henry Balch: Congressional Medal of HonortrueProduction
John Henry Balch: Congressional Medal of HonortrueWriting
Major Raoul Lufbery: Fighter AcetrueProduction
Noble Sissle's Syncopated RagtimetrueProduction
Remembering Port ChicagotrueProduction
Merchant Marine Paul Goercke and the Alexander Hamilton Post 448trueProduction
Ralph Parr: Fighter Ace of the Twentieth CenturytrueProduction
Rudy Hernandez: Congressional Medal of HonortrueProduction
Frank Maselskis: From WWII POW to Chosin Reservoir SurvivortrueProduction
Cpl. Richard Carlson: A Brother's LosstrueProduction
Leo Patrick McArdle: Veterans Helping VeteranstrueProduction
Noble Sissle Jr.: Am I Still Going to Vietnam?trueProduction
PFC Benjamin Tollefson: A Mom's LosstrueProduction
The Chaplain: MAJ Brenda ThreatttrueProduction
Brevet Major Pauline Cushman-Fryer: Civil War SpytrueProduction
Alene Duerk: First Woman to Make AdmiraltrueProduction
Lt. Cmdr. Che Barns: Fallen BrothertrueProduction
Carson Bigbee: The Pirate of America's PastimetrueProduction
Triumph Over Prejudice: The Montford Point MarinestrueWriting
Triumph Over Prejudice: The Montford Point MarinestrueProduction
Nurse Helen Fairchild: Killed in Action?trueProduction
The Gunnery: A Montford Point MarinetrueProduction
Nisei Soldiers: Japanese American G.I. JoestrueProduction
Fighting Fred FunstontrueProduction
Buffalo Soldiers, Victorio and Manifest DestinytrueProduction
Pride of the Buffalo SoldiertrueProduction
Admiral Chester NimitztrueProduction
The War to End all Wars: And its American VeteranstrueProduction
The Forgotten WartrueProduction
The Jock: A Montford Point MarinetrueWriting
The Jock: A Montford Point MarinetrueProduction
The Singer: A Montford Point MarinetrueProduction
You Don't Know Jack: A Montford Point MarinetrueProduction
The Architect: A Montford Point MarinetrueWriting
The Architect: A Montford Point MarinetrueProduction