Christian Tafdrup
Christian Tafdrup
Top Movie Cast
After the Weddingtrue- Christian The Land of Short Sentencestrue- Sebastian Daisy Diamondtrue- Thomas Lund Park Road - the Movietrue- Sune Holm Crying for Lovetrue- Oscar I'll Come Runningtrue- Soeren I'll Come Runningtrue- Soren Parentstrue- Real Estate Agent Nynnetrue- Fyr på restaurant A Horrible Womantrue- Kunstner Gustne Gensyntrue- Forskellige roller Top Movie Crew
Speak No EviltrueDirecting
Dancer in the DarktrueProduction
A Horrible WomantrueWriting
A Horrible WomantrueDirecting
Let the Evil Go WesttrueDirecting
Speak No EviltrueProduction
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