Davi Galdino
Davi Galdino
Top Movie Cast
The Bolinhas 3true- ele mesmo e voz The Openingtrue- ele mesmo(desenho) More than just familiestrue- Ele mesmo Kill yourself on halloweentrue- Narrador | Fantasma Azul O Encontro do Sol e a Luatrue- Sol(voz) Imaginelandytrue- Ele mesmo Going Crazy on Christmastrue- Ele mesmo Missão de Fétrue- Muçulmano 1 On the Streets of Braziltrue- Mão After being abductedtrue- Voz The Bolinhastrue- Tum (Som Brazil) e foto (versão estendida) Hora de Paratrue- Ele mesmo Tips for your home with Di - Special Electric Stovetrue- Menção Everything from the Rubbertrue- Pam(som español) Top Movie Crew
The BolinhastrueVisual Effects
Everything from the RubbertrueWriting
Everything from the RubbertrueArt
The Bolinhas 3trueDirecting
Everything from the RubbertrueDirecting
The Bolinhas 3trueWriting
Everything from the Rubber 2trueArt
Everything from the Rubber 2trueDirecting
Everything from the Rubber 2trueWriting
Everything from the Rubber 2trueEditing
The BolinhastrueDirecting
The Bolinhas 2 - A Bigger FighttrueWriting
The Bolinhas 2 - A Bigger FighttrueDirecting
The Bolinhas 2 - A Bigger FighttrueEditing
The Bolinhas 2 - A Bigger FighttrueArt
Mais um Dia na NaturezatrueWriting
Mais um Dia na NaturezatrueEditing
Mais um Dia na NaturezatrueDirecting
More than just familiestrueArt
More than just familiestrueWriting
More than just familiestrueDirecting
Kill yourself on halloweentrueEditing
Kill yourself on halloweentrueArt
Kill yourself on halloweentrueDirecting
Kill yourself on halloweentrueWriting
Kill yourself on halloweentrueWriting
More than just familiestrueCrew
O Encontro do Sol e a LuatrueArt
O Encontro do Sol e a LuatrueWriting
O Encontro do Sol e a LuatrueDirecting
Going Crazy on ChristmastrueWriting
Going Crazy on ChristmastrueEditing
Going Crazy on ChristmastrueProduction
Going Crazy on ChristmastrueDirecting
Going Crazy on ChristmastrueArt
Going Crazy on ChristmastrueSound
Going Crazy on ChristmastrueCamera
Going Crazy on ChristmastrueVisual Effects
Kill yourself on halloweentrueCamera
On the Streets of BraziltrueArt
On the Streets of BraziltrueProduction
On the Streets of BraziltrueWriting
On the Streets of BraziltrueDirecting
On the Streets of BraziltrueCamera
On the Streets of BraziltrueVisual Effects
On the Streets of BraziltrueSound
After being abductedtrueWriting
After being abductedtrueDirecting
After being abductedtrueSound
After being abductedtrueArt
After being abductedtrueArt
After being abductedtrueArt
Natal com ClaustrueCamera
Natal com ClaustrueWriting
Natal com ClaustrueDirecting
Natal com ClaustrueWriting
Hora de ParatrueDirecting
Natal com ClaustrueVisual Effects
Tips for your home with Di - Special Electric StovetrueDirecting
Tips for your home with Di - Special Electric StovetrueProduction
Tips for your home with Di - Special Electric StovetrueEditing