John Merton
John Merton
Top Movie Cast
Arizona Terrorstrue- Toll Collector Henchmen's 'Supervisor' The Lost Tribetrue- Kesler Zorro's Fighting Legiontrue- Commandante Manuel Texas Masqueradetrue- Henchman Jeff Land of Fighting Mentrue- Flint Along Came Jonestrue- Card Player (uncredited) Invisible Agenttrue- German Soldier (uncredited) Drums of Destinytrue- Toby Simmons Gunsmoke Ranchtrue- Brawler in Suit Fuzzy Settles Downtrue- Henchman Pete Bandits of the Badlandstrue- Cort McKinnon Slaves in Bondagetrue- Nick Costello Hop Harrigan: America's Ace of the Airwaystrue- Dr. Tobor Broadway Billtrue- Morgan's Henchman (uncredited) The Crooked Trailtrue- Harve Tarlton Brenda Starr, Reportertrue- Joe Schultz (uncredited) Aces and Eightstrue- Card Sharp (uncredited) The Fighting Devil Dogstrue- Thompson (uncredited) Sharad of Atlantistrue- Moloch Roaring Six Gunstrue- 'Mileaway' Roberts Up in Daisy's Penthousetrue- Daisy's Boyfriend Female Fugitivetrue- Henchman Mort Oregon Trailtrue- Dalt Higgins Frontier Gamblertrue- Shorty Down Texas Waytrue- Henchman Steve Border Caballerotrue- Runnyian Lightnin' Bill Carsontrue- 'Breed' Hawkins The Golden Eyetrue- Miner (uncredited) Wildcat Troopertrue- Henry McClain Wolves of the Seatrue- Mitchell The Gun Rangertrue- Kemper Mills The Vigilantes Are Comingtrue- Rance Talbot, Burr Henchman Covered Wagon Daystrue- Henchman Law of the Rangertrue- Bill Nash The Law Commandstrue- Frank Clark Where the Buffalo Roamtrue- Foster Arizona Gunfightertrue- Farley Knight of the Plainstrue- Carson / Pedro de Cordoba Range Defenderstrue- Henchman Craig Dick Tracy Returnstrue- Champ Stark The Lone Rangertrue- Henchman Kester Songs and Saddlestrue- Rocky Renaut Valley of Terrortrue- Mark Flemming Gang Bulletstrue- Red Hampton Phantom Rangertrue- Henchman Bud The Mysterious Ridertrue- Dalton Sykes In Old Montanatrue- Ed Brandt Gunsmoke Trailtrue- Bill Larson, posing as Moose Walters Code of the Fearlesstrue- Red Kane Daredevils of the Red Circletrue- Davis--Gas Plant Heavy Four Girls in Whitetrue- John - Man at Accident Hop-a-long Cassidytrue- Party Guest South of Tahititrue- Sailor Rough Riders' Round-uptrue- Border Patrolman Messenger Union Pacifictrue- Laborer (uncredited) Three Texas Steerstrue- Mike Abbott The Man in the Iron Masktrue- Soldier Bar 20 Rides Againtrue- Carp The Great Commandmenttrue- Under-Officer Gildatrue- Policeman (uncredited) The Rangers Step Intrue- Martin Drums of Fu Manchutrue- Loki Wild Horse Round-Uptrue- Charlie Doan Call of the Prairietrue- Arizona A Missouri Outlawtrue- Henchman Bancroft Thieves' Highwaytrue- State Highway Policeman (uncredited) Two Gun Justicetrue- Bart The Lion's Dentrue- Single-Shot Smith Blazing Sixestrue- Jim Hess Renegade Trailtrue- Tex Traynor The Eagle's Broodtrue- Ed The Green Hornet Strikes Again!true- Thug at Rear of Truck The Big Heattrue- Man (uncredited) Frontier Crusadertrue- Henchman Hippo Potts Devil Riderstrue- Jim Higgins Rustlers' Hideouttrue- Harry Stanton Sagebrush Lawtrue- Burl Mason Queen of the Yukontrue- Charlie Billy the Kid in Texastrue- Flash Dark Commandtrue- Cantrell Man Shadows on the Rangetrue- Paul Emery Northwest Passagetrue- Lt. Dunbar North West Mounted Policetrue- Half-breed Archer Sea Raiderstrue- First Island Guard Dick Tracy vs. Crime Inc.true- Brent Melody Ranchtrue- Warns the Wildhacks Radar Patrol vs. Spy Kingtrue- John Baroda Haunted Trailstrue- Sheriff Charlie Coombs Arizona Territorytrue- Otis Kilburn Man from Sonoratrue- Henchman Pete Stranger from Santa Fetrue- Cy Manning I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Nowtrue- President Theodore Roosevelt (uncredited) Billy the Kid Outlawedtrue- Lije Ellis The Trail Blazerstrue- Henchman Mason Bullets and Saddlestrue- Henchman Mike Phelps Cowboy Commandostrue- Henchman Larry Fraser Billy the Kid's Smoking Gunstrue- Morgan Boot Hill Banditstrue- Brand Bolton Land of Hunted Mentrue- Pelham Prairie Palstrue- Ed Blair Black Market Rustlerstrue- Henchman Parry Under Fiesta Starstrue- Henchman Tommick Sheriff of Sage Valleytrue- Nick White Eagletrue- Henchman Ronimo Along the Sundown Trailtrue- Jake - Henchman Fugitive of the Plainstrue- Deputy Arresting Fuzzy Fighting Valleytrue- Dan Wakely Valley Of Vengeancetrue- Burt The Cherokee Flashtrue- Mark Butler aka Blackie Land of the Outlawstrue- Dan Broderick West of the Rio Grandetrue- Wade Gunnerson Zorro's Black Whiptrue- Ed Harris Flame of the Westtrue- Carl Compton The Gay Cavaliertrue- Lewis Border Banditstrue- Henchman Spike The Haunted Minetrue- Steve Twining Cheyenne Takes Overtrue- Bart McCord Raiders of the Southtrue- Preston Durant Western Renegadestrue- Blacksmith Smitty Drums of Fu Manchutrue- Loki West of Wyomingtrue- Sheriff The Gunman From Bodietrue- Bill Cook A Snitch in Timetrue- Jerry Benton (uncredited) Outlaw Countrytrue- Marshal Clark Riders of the Dusktrue- Art - Henchman The Law Rides Againtrue- Henchman Spike The Wife Takes a Flyertrue- German Soldier Riders of the Black Hillstrue- Irate Theatre Patron (uncredited) The Ten Commandmentstrue- Architect's Assistant Running Wildtrue- Police Officer (uncredited) Timber Country Troubletrue- Ed Hartman The Return of Wild Billtrue- Dusty Donahue For God and Countrytrue- Brig Turnkey Destroyertrue- Chief Quartermaster Walk Softly, Strangertrue- Bowen's Henchman (uncredited) Red Rivertrue- Settler (uncredited) (uncredited) Address Unknowntrue- Angry German at Play (uncredited) The Three Mesquiteerstrue- Bull Our Wifetrue- Officer (uncredited) Knockout Reillytrue- Buck Lennard Headline Crashertrue- Tony Scarlotti Marie Antoinettetrue- Soldier Announcing Birth (uncredited) The Quarterbacktrue- Football Player A Tenderfoot Goes Westtrue- Henchman Jake Two Gun Troubadortrue- Bill Barton I Shot Billy the Kidtrue- Bob Ollinger - Deputy (as John Morton) Law and Ordertrue- Henchman Turtle Son of the Guardsmantrue- Lord Hampton (uncredited) Profile Images
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