Philippe Brizard
Philippe Brizard
Top Movie Cast
The Infernal Triotrue- Chambon One Way Tickettrue- Le gardien de prison Spy, Stand Uptrue- Grenier employee Last Known Addresstrue- Taxi driver (uncredited) Judge Fayard Called the Sherifftrue- Prison director Et vive la liberté!true- Léon The Big Brothertrue- Le conseiller L'Affaire Seznectrue- Assureur Morlaix The Virginstrue- Conference attender Incorrigibletrue- Expert in tables The Pariahtrue- 'Fanfan', regular at the gaming circle The Lady Bankertrue- Chériaux Jupiter's Thightrue- Le touriste français Le Bon Plaisirtrue- Le maître d'hôtel du président The Big Washtrue- Repairman Tête à claquestrue- Prison guard The Bastardtrue- Radio engineer It's Tough for Everybodytrue- Gauthier How Not to Rob a Department Storetrue- Zecca (uncredited) The Studtrue- Leplanchet, cuckold bowling player Salut Berthe !true- Father (uncredited) La Femme flictrue- Le juge To Be Twenty in the Aurestrue The Savage Statetrue- Paul The Facts of Life Goes to Paristrue- The Bookseller Coup de soleiltrue- Carmarec The Phantom of Libertytrue The Cabbage Souptrue- Le facteur Order of the Daisytrue- Me Castard / Me Questard Le jeu du renardtrue- Réalisateur radio RTL Mr. Kleintrue- (uncredited) Asphalttrue- Jules Giroux Les surdoués de la première compagnietrue- L'adjudant-chef Colin Les Louloustrue- Commissaire Aubry