Ignazio Dolce
Ignazio Dolce
Top Movie Cast
Goliath Against the Giantstrue The Escapetrue- un sommozzatore Getting Away with It the Italian Waytrue- l'algerino Journey Beneath the Deserttrue- o. A. Tell It Like a Womantrue- Piero Bellezze sulla spiaggiatrue Terror-Creatures from the Gravetrue- Policeman Son of Samsontrue- Tradesman Un figlio d'oggitrue- Commissario Caccia al maritotrue- commissario Walter e i Suoi Cuginitrue Quanto sei bella Romatrue- Giorgio The Old Testamenttrue- Antemone The Black Panther of Ratanatrue Queste pazze, pazze donnetrue- Nannarella's Brother ('Il gentil sesso') The Swordsman of Sienatrue The Last Days of Pompeiitrue- Caius The Colossus of Rhodestrue- (uncredited) The Best of Enemiestrue- Sentinel Genitori in blue-jeanstrue- Young Man in the Nightclub I piaceri del sabato nottetrue Left Handed Johnny Westtrue Sign of Zorrotrue- Alcalde Hercules and the Captive Womentrue Top Movie Crew
If You Meet Sartana Pray for Your DeathtrueDirecting
The Last American SoldiertrueDirecting
The Last American SoldiertrueWriting
The Ark of the Sun GodtrueProduction
Last PlatoontrueDirecting
Last Flight To HelltrueDirecting
Goodnight, Ladies and GentlementrueDirecting
Return of SabatatrueDirecting
Adiós, SabatatrueDirecting
Strange OccasiontrueDirecting
Web of the SpidertrueDirecting
The Black HandtrueDirecting
The Old TestamenttrueDirecting
Yor, the Hunter from the FuturetrueDirecting
Commando LeopardtrueProduction
Il treno del sabatotrueDirecting
Whisky and GhoststrueDirecting