J.R. Bookwalter
J.R. Bookwalter
Top Movie Cast
VHS Massacre Tootrue- Himself Chickboxertrue- Irate Video Store Cashier Kingdom of the Vampiretrue- Carry-Out Customer Curse of the Puppet Mastertrue- Tommy Berke Zombiegeddontrue- Crazed Professor Humanoids from Atlantistrue- Shemp Movie Director Zombie Coptrue- Detective Tremmel / Reverend (voice) The Basementtrue- Production Assistant Shandra: The Jungle Girltrue- Alley Drunk Shock Cinema: Volume Onetrue- Himself Bad Movie Police: Case #1: Galaxy Of The Dinosaurstrue- Lance Randas The Dead Next Doortrue- Lloyds Girlfriendstrue- Dream Father Ozonetrue- Evidence Room Detective Chronicles of the Living Deadtrue- Self Her Name Was Christatrue- Orderly Lance Randas The Sandmantrue- Gerald Rivers Announcer Skinned Alivetrue- Jehova's Witness Ghoul Schooltrue- Generic Student #113 Blood, Guts and Sunshine 2: The History of Horror Made in Floridatrue- Self Top Movie Crew
Frankenstein & the Werewolf Reborn!trueEditing
Frankenstein Reborn!trueEditing
Kingdom of the VampiretrueProduction
Kingdom of the VampiretrueWriting
Kingdom of the VampiretrueCamera
Kingdom of the VampiretrueEditing
Kingdom of the VampiretrueDirecting
The Dead Next DoortrueSound
The Dead Next DoortrueWriting
The Dead Next DoortrueProduction
The Dead Next DoortrueDirecting
The Dead Next DoortrueEditing
Curse of the Puppet MastertrueEditing
Witchouse II: Blood CoventrueDirecting
Witchouse II: Blood CoventrueEditing
Witchouse III: Demon FiretrueProduction
Witchouse III: Demon FiretrueEditing
Witchouse III: Demon FiretrueWriting
Witchouse III: Demon FiretrueDirecting
Witchouse III: Demon FiretrueCrew
Witchouse III: Demon FiretrueProduction
Robot NinjatrueProduction
Dead & RottingtrueProduction
Dead & RottingtrueProduction
Hell AsylumtrueProduction
Hell AsylumtrueProduction
Killjoy 2: Deliverance from EviltrueProduction
October MoontrueProduction
Something to Scream AbouttrueProduction
Something to Scream AbouttrueEditing
Mega ScorpionstrueWriting
Mega ScorpionstrueProduction
Galaxy of the DinosaurstrueDirecting
Humanoids from AtlantistrueDirecting
Mega ScorpionstrueDirecting
Twice The FuntrueDirecting
Return to Blood Fart LaketrueCrew
Heather and Puggly Crucify the DeviltrueCrew
Killjoy 2: Deliverance from EviltrueCrew
Killjoy 2: Deliverance from EviltrueEditing
Shock Cinema: Volume FourtrueEditing
Shock Cinema: Volume FourtrueDirecting
Shock Cinema: Volume FourtrueWriting
Shock Cinema: Volume TwotrueEditing
Shock Cinema: Volume OnetrueEditing
Shock Cinema: Volume ThreetrueDirecting
Bad Movie Police: Case #1: Galaxy Of The DinosaurstrueWriting
Scream Queens Swimsuit SensationstrueEditing
The BrotherhoodtrueEditing
Side Effects May VarytrueDirecting
Humanoids from AtlantistrueProduction
Humanoids from AtlantistrueEditing
Side Effects May VarytrueCrew
Side Effects May VarytrueProduction
Side Effects May VarytrueEditing
The Brotherhood 2: Young WarlockstrueEditing
The SandmantrueProduction
Skinned AlivetrueProduction
City of the VampirestrueProduction
Penthouse: The All New Pet WorkouttrueEditing