Lisa Hammer
Lisa Hammer
Top Movie Cast
The Sisters Plotztrue- Ladybug Plotz Not Farewell, Sweet Fleshtrue- Queen Zapkiela Frankenstein vs. the Creature from Blood Covetrue- Monster's Bride Top Movie Crew
Turn of the CenturytrueWriting
Turn of the CenturytrueDirecting
The Sisters PlotztrueDirecting
Empire of AchetrueWriting
Adieux, DamestrueDirecting
Empire of AchetrueProduction
Empire of AchetrueDirecting
Not Farewell, Sweet FleshtrueDirecting
Not Farewell, Sweet FleshtrueWriting
The Dance of DeathtrueDirecting
Rumpelstiltskin IItrueDirecting
The Misfortunes of Christine CrappleshiretrueDirecting
The Amazing OzwaldtrueDirecting
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