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Paprikatrue- Admiral Ciancalasme Ginger and Fredtrue- Telly Savalas (uncredited) L'albero della maldicenzatrue Terzo canale - Avventura a Montecarlotrue- The Casting Director Emanuelle and Françoisetrue The Scent of the Nighttrue- Rich Woman's Father La Galette du roitrue- Cabrini Frankenstein '80true- Witness Love Hotel - Full Servicetrue- Professore (uncredited) The Second Tragic Fantozzitrue Sfrattato cerca casa equo canonetrue Black Maidtrue- Galeazzo (as Al Capri) Hot Spiritstrue- commendatore (uncredited) Bicycle Thievestrue- Carabiniere (uncredited) At the Sports Bartrue- Notaio Magalini Love & Passiontrue- cameriere Riavanti… Marsch!true- Man in the nightclub I'm Photogenictrue- Nuvola Bianca I due carabinieritrue- Hotel Concierge I Hate Blondestrue- Casino Collector Viuuulentemente miatrue- questore Private House of the SStrue- Nazi General with Eye-Patch (as Al Capri) Una vacanza bestialetrue- compagno Volcic La clinica dell'amoretrue- Von Stronfen Quando c'era lui... caro lei!true- Commissario Benito Mussolini Troppo fortetrue- Comparsa Listening the Oscar's Story (uncredited) Bianco, rosso e Verdonetrue- presidente degli scrutatori (uncredited) L'ammazzatinatrue- Rapist (uncredited) Theo Against the Rest of the Worldtrue- Baffo Morbositàtrue- Ippolito l'avvocato Dr. Jekyll Likes Them Hottrue- Henchman Giallo in Venicetrue- Maestrin Miracolonitrue- Maresciallo Ponzio Pilato The Bloodstained Shadowtrue Vento, vento, portali via con tetrue- Pierre Marsiglia Fancy a Womantrue- Sovrintendente di polizia Top Movie Crew
Frankenstein '80trueProduction
Il cielo bruciatrueProduction
Love SacrificetrueProduction
Private House of the SStrueProduction
My Father's NursetrueProduction
Noi siam come le luccioletrueProduction
Moana, Virgin of the AmazontrueProduction
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