Anthony Crivello
Anthony Crivello
Top Movie Cast
Independence Daytrue- Lincoln Monster Mash: The Movietrue- Count Vladimir Dracula Twistedtrue- Eddie, a drug dealer Hidden Agendatrue- Salvatore The Lost Caponetrue- Frank Capone Running Womantrue- Detective Harris Black Eastertrue- Ram's Father 919 Fifth Avenuetrue- Jeffrey Tradetrue- Detective Henderson Emma's Chancetrue- Wade Thompson The Glass Cagetrue- Anton Dillinger and Caponetrue- Lou Gazzo Behind the Candelabratrue- Stagehand Alien Avengerstrue- Jesse Sharp Broadway's Lost Treasures III: The Best of The Tony Awardstrue- Valentin (segment "Kiss Of The Spider Woman") (archive footage) Crocodile Dundee IItrue- Subway Hitman Slaves of New Yorktrue- Hairdresser Jane Austen's Mafia!true- Luigi Cortino Assassin 33 A.D.true- Ram's Father Attention Shopperstrue- Steve Murder in Black and Whitetrue- Lupone The Omro Heisttrue- Chief DW Johnson Heathers: The Musicaltrue- Bill Sweeney/Coach Ripper