Norman Wooland
Norman Wooland
Top Movie Cast
The Projected Mantrue- Dr. Blanchard Ivanhoetrue- King Richard The Fighting Prince of Donegaltrue- Sir John Perrott The Fall of the Roman Empiretrue- Virgilianus Madeleinetrue- William Minnoch Fireworks for Elspethtrue- Major Fitzgerald Romeo and Juliettrue- Paris Saul and Davidtrue- King Saul The Mirror Crack'dtrue- Medical Examiner (uncredited) The Angel with the Trumpettrue- Prince Rudolf Look Before You Lovetrue- Ashley Morehouse Masters of Venustrue- Dr. Ballantyne All Over the Towntrue- Nat Hearn The Ringertrue- Inspector Bliss The Gaptrue- Candlestick Maker Night Train for Invernesstrue- Roy Lewis The Rough and the Smoothtrue- David Fraser My Teenage Daughtertrue- Hugh Manning Hamlettrue- Horatio - His Friend The Master Plantrue- Colonel Mark Cleaver The Guns of Navaronetrue- Group Captain Backgroundtrue- Bill Ogden No Road Backtrue- Inspektor Harris Life for Ruthtrue- Counsel for the Crown The Bandit Of Zhobetrue- Maj. Crowley The Chief Mournertrue- Tim Featherstone This Englandtrue- (uncredited)