Rex the Dog
Rex the Dog
Top Movie Cast
The Circus Cyclonetrue- Rex, Jack's Pal The Oregon Trailtrue- Jerry (the dog) Three in Exiletrue- Rex, Art's Dog The White Outlawtrue- Jack's Dog The Silent Guardiantrue- Rex, Red's Dog Palstrue- Rex, Bruce's Dog The Thunderbolt Strikestrue- Dog The Call of Couragetrue- Rex, Steve's Dog Sky High Corraltrue- Rex, Jack's Dog Rustlers' Ranchtrue- Rex, Lee's Dog Perils of the Railtrue- Rex West of the Rainbow's Endtrue- Rex The Wild Horse Stampedetrue- Bunk The Man from the Westtrue- Rex Hi-Jacking Rustlerstrue- Dog Thunderbolt's Trackstrue- Dog The Western Rovertrue- Rex The Awakeningtrue- Dog (uncredited) Where the North Holds Swaytrue- Rex