Chie Kobayashi
Chie Kobayashi
Top Movie Cast
A Flower in a Neon Jungletrue Modern Chivarly: Sworn Brotherstrue Salaryman Senka: Tanshin Funintrue Wolves of the City: First to Fighttrue Neon Jellyfish: Shinjuku Flower Streetcartrue Oh Wonderful Utamaro!true A Single Flower Witheredtrue Girl Boss Guerillatrue- Ukiko The Ando Gang Documentary Filmtrue The Armed Organizationtrue The Gambler's Counterattacktrue Sex Comedy, Quick on the Triggertrue- Tamayakko Lone Wolf and Cub: White Heaven in Helltrue- Azusa Bohachi Bushido: Code of the Forgotten Eighttrue Sympathy for the Underdogtrue Outlaw Killers: Three Mad Dog Brotherstrue Battles Without Honor and Humanitytrue- Yamashiro Sawa Truck Rascals: No One Can Stop Metrue Wolves of the City: Checkmatetrue A True Story of the Private Ginza Policetrue Farewell to Rock'n Rolltrue The Horrible Obsessionstrue Brutal Tales of Chivalry 5: Man With The Karajishi Tattootrue Female Prisoner Scorpion: #701true- Dobashi Female Prisoner Scorpion: Beast Stabletrue- Woman in Nude Studio Military Comfort Womantrue- Matsuko Wandering Ginza Butterflytrue New Female Prisoner 701: Scorpiontrue Street Mobstertrue- Kaoru Quarreling with Yakuzatrue The Grudge and the Cattrue Top Movie Crew
Battle RoyaletrueProduction