Paul McVey
Paul McVey
Top Movie Cast
Stagecoachtrue- Pony Express Agent (uncredited) Phantom of Chinatowntrue- Detective Grady Force of Eviltrue- Hobe Wheelock Stowawaytrue- Second Mate The Living Ghosttrue- Ed Moline The Officer and the Ladytrue- Dad (uncredited) Bwana Deviltrue- Commissioner The Prisoner of Shark Islandtrue- General Hunter King of Burlesquetrue- Auctioneer's Assistant (uncredited) Flight for Freedomtrue- Night Official (uncredited) Butch Minds the Babytrue- US Attorney Johnson (uncredited) Inside Informationtrue- Carl Crawford No Room for the Groomtrue- Dr. Trotter The Mystery of the 13th Guesttrue- Uncle Adam You Can't Beat the Lawtrue- Wayne - Death Row Inmate Meet the Girlstrue- First Mate Collins My Marriagetrue- Detective The Gay Deceptiontrue- Sweepstake Announcer (uncredited) The Night Hawktrue- Larsen Passport Husbandtrue- H.C. Walton Josettetrue- Hotel Manager One Wild Nighttrue- George Wallace (uncredited) Buried Alivetrue- Jim Henderson You Can't Have Everythingtrue- (uncredited) Midnight Taxitrue- Robert Powers (photograph) She Learned About Sailorstrue- Hotel Clerk Hollywood Cavalcadetrue- Stage Manager 36 Hours to Killtrue- G-Man Music Is Magictrue- Theatre Spectator (uncredited) Below the Seatrue- Shipboard Party Guest Caravantrue- Townsman (Uncredited) Drums Along the Mohawktrue- Capt. Mark Demooth Slightly Honorabletrue- Policeman Sergeant Maddentrue- Assistant Commissioner The Road to Glorytrue- Signal man (uncredited) King of the Royal Mountedtrue- Zarnoff The Country Doctortrue- Mark, a Logger (uncredited) The Last Hurrahtrue- Banker (uncredited) International Settlementtrue- Purser Sins of Mantrue- Army Doctor Show Them No Mercy!true- Dr. Peterson (uncredited) The Green Hornet Strikes Again!true- Kenneth North The Daring Young Mantrue- Fire Chief Charlie Chan's Murder Cruisetrue- Mrs. Pendleton's Doctor The Saint Takes Overtrue- Detective Phillips Time Out for Romancetrue- Ship's Officer One Mile from Heaventrue- Johnny This Is My Affairtrue- Roosevelt's Secretary Mr. Skitchtrue- Gambling House Patron To Mary - with Lovetrue- Guest Lillian Russelltrue- Stage Manager Barricadetrue- Copy Reader Stranger on the Third Floortrue- Detective Lieutenant Jones (uncredited) Sing, Baby, Singtrue- Doctor Life Begins at Fortytrue- Judge Keep 'Em Sluggingtrue- Mr. Meecham Fair Warningtrue- Mr. Berkhardt Come Back, Little Shebatrue- Postman Remember the Daytrue- Jeweler Spy Traintrue- Hugo Molte Walking Down Broadwaytrue- Doctor Straight, Place and Showtrue- Steeplechase Announcer New York Towntrue- Gentleman on Boat (uncredited) Human Cargotrue- Ship's Officer Brooklyn Orchidtrue- Party Gest Pacific Blackouttrue- Civil Defense Official Harmon of Michigantrue- Alumni Committee Man Has Anybody Seen My Gal?true- Lester Pennock Four Men and a Prayertrue- Sanders (uncredited) The Lady Pays Offtrue- Speaker Ma and Pa Kettle Go to Towntrue- Harold Masterson Safety in Numberstrue- Mr. Hensley Silver Skatestrue- Roscoe Hayes Crazy Housetrue- Studio Executive The Corsican Brotherstrue- Cousin Philip Franchi (Uncredited) Baby Take a Bowtrue- Daniel (Uncredited) Our Wifetrue- Minor Role (uncredited) She Had to Eattrue- Captain McBurn (uncredited) Private Numbertrue- Court Clerk (Uncredited) Fly By Nighttrue- Cop on Small Town Street (Uncredited) Charlie Chan's Couragetrue- Director Stand Up and Cheer!true- Senator Jenkins Cocktail Hourtrue- Attorney (uncredited) Bad Boytrue- Car Mechanic