Seong-chun Kim
Seong-chun Kim
Top Movie Crew
Hurrah! For FreedomtrueLighting
Independence NighttrueLighting
The SprinklertrueProduction
The SprinklertrueLighting
The Shadowless PagodatrueLighting
The Wedding DaytrueLighting
A Skinny and a Fatty Go to Camp NonsantrueLighting
Straits of ChosuntrueLighting
To Love and SweartrueLighting
The Chronicle of An Jung-GeuntrueLighting
Spring of Korean PeninsulatrueLighting
Aimless BullettrueProduction
Aimless BullettrueLighting
The Adventure of TtolttoritrueLighting
Dawn of NationtrueLighting
The Virgin StartrueLighting
A Wife's MoraltrueLighting
The Sun of NighttrueLighting
Five Hostesses for the ResistancetrueDirecting