George Pravda
George Pravda
Top Movie Cast
Frankenstein Must Be Destroyedtrue- Dr. Frederick Brandt Where the Spies Aretrue- 1st Agent Trotsky is Deadtrue- Sergei Doctor Who: The Mutantstrue- Jaeger The Kremlin Lettertrue- Kazar Hide and Seektrue- Frank Melnicker Beloved Enemytrue- Pervitsky Operation Amsterdamtrue- Portmaster Taste of Excitementtrue- Dr. Forla Doctor Who: The Enemy of the Worldtrue- Denes Wynne and Penkovskytrue- Borisglebsky The Cold War Killerstrue- Igor Panin The London Connectiontrue- Kolenkov The Password Is Couragetrue- 2nd German Officer at French Farm S*P*Y*Strue- Russian Coach (uncredited) Tank Force!true- German Sergeant Hopscotchtrue- Saint Breheret The Life and Times of David Lloyd Georgetrue- Professor Weizmann Inspector Clouseautrue- Wulf Firefoxtrue- General Borov Submarine X-1true- Capt. Erlich of the 'Lindendorf' Hanover Streettrue- French Farmer Hot Enough for Junetrue- Pravelko Doctor Who: The Deadly Assassintrue- Castellan Spandrell Sink the Bismarck!true- Damage Control Officer - Bismarck (uncredited) The Shoes of the Fishermantrue- Gorshenin (credit only) Men Without Wingstrue- III. gestapák The Childhood Friendtrue- Nikolay Tashkov The Cold Roomtrue- The Doctor Virginia Fly is Drowningtrue- Inigo Schrub The Next Mantrue- Russian Economist Profile Images
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