Rhett Giles
Rhett Giles
Top Movie Cast
Frankenstein Reborntrue- Victor Franks The Fear Chambertrue- Nick Ferguson Beauty and the Beasttrue- Count Rudolph Legion of the Deadtrue- Dr Ari Ben-David Lost Colony: The Legend of Roanoketrue- George Howe Wolvesbaynetrue- Jacob Van Helsing Pirates of Treasure Islandtrue- Wilkins Quantum Apocalypsetrue- Terry Contract Killerstrue- Pernell H.G. Wells' War of the Worldstrue- Pastor Victor The Mangler Reborntrue- Sean Twin Daggerstrue- Scholar Way of the Vampiretrue- Dr. Abraham Van Helsing The Apocalypsetrue- Jason Jolly Roger: Massacre at Cutter's Covetrue- Jolly Roger Love in the First Degreetrue- Fred Thatcher The 9/11 Commission Reporttrue- Mike King of the Lost Worldtrue- John Roxton Dracula's Cursetrue- Jacob Van Helsing Watercolor Postcardstrue- Jackson Transmorpherstrue- Narrator (voice) Sample Peopletrue- Detective #1 Top Movie Crew
The Last ExorcisttrueProduction
Angels FallentrueProduction
Chrome AngelstrueProduction
The Terror ExperimenttrueProduction
Bro, What Happened?trueProduction
Crown and AnchortrueProduction
The Amityville TerrortrueProduction
Watercolor PostcardstrueProduction
The Terror ExperimenttrueProduction
616: Paranormal IncidenttrueProduction
The DemonologisttrueProduction
Christmas BelletrueProduction