Carl Stockdale
Carl Stockdale
Top Movie Cast
Intolerance: Love's Struggle Throughout the Agestrue- King Nabonidus (Babylonian Story) Scattergood Meets Broadwaytrue- Squire Pettibone The Whispered Nametrue- Z. Todd The Man Upstairstrue- Enright Broncho Billy's Consciencetrue- Rancher The Half Breedtrue- John Spavinaw Broncho Billy and the Greasertrue Hell's Islandtrue- Colonel The Trail Ridertrue- Jim Mackey Society Secretstrue- Squire Brass Buttonstrue- Cold-Deck Dallas Law for Tombstonetrue- Judge Hart Konga, the Wild Stalliontrue- Mason The Championtrue- Sparring Partner Broncho Billy's Dadtrue- Broncho Billy's Dad Men of the Deserttrue- Mason The Doctor's Dutytrue- The Postmaster Five and Tentrue- Doctor at Bedside (uncredited) Wild Honeytrue- Liverpool Blondie Red Hot Romancetrue- General De Castanet The Story That Couldn't Be Printedtrue- Hank (uncredited) Rocky Rhodestrue- Lawyer Bowles A Jitney Elopementtrue- Cop The Treachery of Broncho Billy's Paltrue- Carl The Inference of Broncho Billytrue- Old Man Broncho Billy and the Bad Mantrue- The Deputy Broncho Billy-Guardiantrue- Jim Haley Broncho Billy and the Rattlertrue Broncho Billy Reformstrue- A Thief The Redemption of Broncho Billytrue- Billy's Western Chum Broncho Billy's Teachingstrue- Broncho Billy's Partner Broncho Billy's Last Deedtrue- Jenners - Clarence's Father The Rustler's Step-Daughtertrue A Romance of the Hillstrue- Henry McLean Children of the Foresttrue- A Stranger The Trail of the Snake Bandtrue Through Trackless Sandstrue- Clem Dayton The Hills of Peacetrue- Carl Stockdale - the Prospector The Strategy of Broncho Billy's Sweethearttrue- Broncho Billy's Sweetheart's Father Broncho Billy Trappedtrue- The Sheriff Broncho Billy Rewardedtrue- The Sheriff A Gamblers' Waytrue- John Hunter, a Ranchman Broncho Billy -- Favoritetrue- The Mailman Broncho Billy's Mothertrue Broncho Billy -- Gun-Mantrue- Jack Holmes Broncho Billy's Leaptrue- John Wilson Broncho Billy's Cunningtrue- The Sheriff Broncho Billy's Dutytrue- The Other Man Red Riding Hood of the Hillstrue- Her Father Broncho Billy and the Mine Sharktrue- William Young Broncho Billy, Outlawtrue- The Mexican Broncho Billy's Jealousytrue- The Minister Broncho Billy and the Sherifftrue- The Sheriff Broncho Billy Puts One Overtrue- Roger Newman Broncho Billy's Punishmenttrue- The Doctor Broncho Billy's Judgmenttrue- The Gambler Broncho Billy's Fatal Joketrue- Old Prospector Broncho Billy, a Friend in Needtrue- The Storekeeper Miss Pollytrue- Pop Parsons (uncredited) Lost Horizontrue- Missionary (uncredited) Youth on Paroletrue- Employment Agency Manager (uncredited) The Lady of the Dugouttrue- Killer The Good-for-Nothingtrue- John Sterling The Return of Daniel Boonetrue- Jeb Brandon Money, Money, Moneytrue- George C. Hobbs Monte Carlo Nightstrue- Charles Brandon Billy the Kidtrue- Homesteader Mr. Foster (uncredited) Sweepingstrue- Doctor (Uncredited) Bullet Codetrue- Tom (uncredited) Dr. Socratestrue- Abner Cluett - a Townsman The Law Commandstrue- Jed Johnson The Pagan Godtrue- Henry Addison Battle of Greedtrue- Sawyer The Mysterious Ridertrue- Office Clerk Condemned to Livetrue- John Mane Get That Girltrue- Leader of the Kidnap Plot The Carnation Kidtrue- Deacon While London Sleepstrue- Stokes All That Money Can Buytrue- Van Brooks (uncredited) The Extra Girltrue- Director The Fall of Babylontrue- Nabonidus, King of Babylonia The Last of the Duanestrue- Man in Lynch Mob The Land of Long Shadowstrue- Constable McKenzie The Eyes of Julia Deeptrue- Simon Plummet The Bands Plays Ontrue- Graduate My Dear Miss Aldrichtrue- Mr. Harrison - Apartment House Manager (uncredited) Woman Wantedtrue- Court Clerk Reading Verdict (uncredited) Spendthrifttrue- Uncle Morton Middleton's Doctor Baby Face Harringtontrue- Mr. Tunney (uncredited) Stage Mothertrue- Stagehand Mountain Justicetrue- Stout King of the Underworldtrue- First Villager (uncredited) The Man Who Returned to Lifetrue- Pa Beebe Frontier Pony Expresstrue- Typesetter-Printer Lucky Nighttrue- Employment Office Clerk (uncredited) Mr. Smith Goes to Washingtontrue- Senator Burdette (uncredited) Stage to Chinotrue- Charlie Lait Laughing Boytrue- Post Office Clerk Where's My Wandering Boy Tonight?true The Marshal Of Mesa Citytrue- Judge Wainwright (uncredited) Along the Rio Grandetrue- Joe Turner Revolt of the Zombiestrue- Ignacio / Max MacDonald Furytrue- Hardware Man (uncredited) Texas Stagecoachtrue- Old-Timer The Adventures of Daredevil Jacktrue Thundering Frontiertrue- Andrew Belknap The Thrill Huntertrue- Townsman Soak the Poortrue- Citizen (uncredited) The Leavenworth Casetrue- Leavenworth-Clavering Bookkeeper Paradise Expresstrue- Jones (uncredited) Call Her Savagetrue- Mort The Children Paytrue- Judge Mason All Teed Uptrue- Dr. Pickett Wagon Traintrue- Luke Wilkes The Americanotrue- Salsa Espada 20,000 Men a Yeartrue- Farmer Cimarrontrue- (uncredited) The Darling of New Yorktrue- Soulful Sid I Live My Lifetrue- Clerk (Uncredited) The Crimson Trailtrue- Jim Bellair The Chieftrue- City Editor Pioneers of the Frontiertrue- Jim Darcey Might and the Mantrue- Billings A Daughter of the Poortrue- James Stevens Ten Gentlemen from West Pointtrue- Senator (uncredited) Lost and Wontrue- Kirkland Gaige Hoodoo Anntrue- Gordon Sanderson / Mustang Charley Broncho Billy's Sentencetrue- Minister The Spy Ringtrue- Firing Range Officer (uncredited) He's a Prince!true- Royal Aide Whispering Whoopeetrue- Mr. Stockdale Molly O'true- The Silhouette Man A Free Soultrue- Drug Store Proprietor (uncredited) A Woman Commandstrue- Priest Courage of the Westtrue- Rufe Lambert Hot Watertrue- Judge (uncredited) Where the West Beginstrue- Gunner McCann Thorns and Orange Blossomstrue- Colonel Beaton The Amazing Impostortrue- Robert La Rue Scattergood Pulls the Stringstrue- Squire Pettibone A Child of the Paris Streetstrue- Judge de Tolne Peggy Leads the Waytrue- Roland Gardiner Public Hero Number 1true- Train Conductor (uncredited) Abraham Lincolntrue- Member of Lincoln's Cabinet (uncredited) Bardelys the Magnificenttrue- Judge of the Tribunal (uncredited) The Tiger's Clawtrue- Sathoo Ram A Son of His Fathertrue- Zobester One a Minutetrue- Judge (uncredited) Penthousetrue- Levi Levitoff (uncredited) The Ivory-Handled Guntrue- Bill Ward Marie Antoinettetrue- National Guardsman Bringing Toy Soldier (uncredited) Dangerous Ladytrue- Judge Leander Harding Up Romance Roadtrue- Count Hilgar Eckstrom Mad Lovetrue- Actor as 'The Rotary' (Uncredited) Double Adventuretrue- Jules Fernol The Shepherd of the Hillstrue- Jim Lane Hearts or Diamonds?true- Bewley The Ballad of Paducah Jailtrue- Sheriff Charlie Chan's Couragetrue- Station Lounger Stand Up and Cheer!true- Quartet Member Laughing at Troubletrue- Judge The Intrusion of Isabeltrue- James Harris Wives and Other Wivestrue- Ted Doubleday Rosemary Climbs the Heightstrue- Andrieff Circumstantial Evidencetrue- George Malone