Ronald Leigh-Hunt
Ronald Leigh-Hunt
Top Movie Cast
Frankensteintrue- Alphonse The Omentrue- Gentleman at Rugby Match (uncredited) Le Manstrue- David Townsend Colonel March Investigatestrue- Ireton Bowlder Smart Moneytrue- Sir James Assignment Redheadtrue- Col. Julian Fentriss, M.I.5. Curse of the Voodootrue- Doctor The League of Gentlementrue- Police Superintendent (uncredited) Cleggtrue- Inspector Kert The Handtrue- Inspector Munyard The Broken Horseshoetrue- Sgt. Lewis (uncredited) The Messagetrue- Héraclius - Byzantine Emperor Doctor Who: Revenge of the Cybermentrue- Commander Stevenson The Pumpkin Eatertrue- 2nd Man in Bar Shadow of a Mantrue- Norman Farrel Paul Temple Returnstrue- Inspector Ross Oscar Wildetrue- Lionel Johnson Johnny-on-the-Spottrue- Sir Jeremy Oulton Universal Soldiertrue- St George Sink the Bismarck!true- Somers - Officer 'King George V' (uncredited) The Third Secrettrue- Police Officer We Joined the Navytrue- Commander R.N. Tread Softlytrue- Inspector Hinton A Touch of Larcenytrue- 2nd Editor (uncredited) Piccadilly Third Stoptrue- Police Sergeant Doctor Who: The Seeds of Deathtrue- Commander Radnor Hostile Witnesstrue- Dr. Wimborne Pasaporte al infiernotrue- Kleivar The Lietrue- Frederick St. John Seventy Deadly Pillstrue- Sergeant Nightmare for a Nightingaletrue- Giles Turner The Messagetrue- Héraclius - Byzantine Emperor Profile Images
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