Aleksandr Samoylenko
Aleksandr Samoylenko
Top Movie Cast
Kings Can Do Everythingtrue Mr. President's Vacationtrue The Challengetrue- prosecutor Semyonov Against All the Rulestrue- Аникин, заммэра The Nerd's Confessiontrue A Woman in Berlintrue- Petka След саламандрыtrue- шейх Исса Son of a Rich 2true- Павел (отец Гриши) Forgotten Tune for the Flutetrue- Саша, второй шантажист 1612: Chronicles of the Dark Timetrue- Mordan Survival Lessonstrue- 'Kucheryavyy' The Winter Will Not Cometrue Salyut-7true- Valeriy Shubin Lost Togethertrue- Mitrich Lev Yashin. The Dream Goalkeepertrue- Mishurin, official of the Sport Committee Посылка с Марсаtrue- Саша Самохин, актер-Дед Мороз Son of a Richtrue- Grisha's father Government Contracttrue- main Not a Wedding Journeytrue- Виктор Андреевич Хромов The Adventures of Chuck and Hucktrue- Coachman Top Movie Crew
Pirate's SoultrueProduction
Посылка с МарсаtrueProduction