Eric Boyd-Perkins
Eric Boyd-Perkins
Top Movie Cast
The Wicker Man Enigmatrue- Himself Top Movie Crew
The Two Faces of Dr. JekylltrueEditing
The Monster SquadtrueSound
The Terror of the TongstrueEditing
Cash on DemandtrueEditing
The Curse of the Mummy's TombtrueEditing
The Wicker MantrueEditing
The Four FeatherstrueEditing
A Talent for LovingtrueEditing
The Crucifer of BloodtrueEditing
A Time to KilltrueEditing
The Pirates of Blood RivertrueEditing
Antony and CleopatratrueEditing
No Blade of GrasstrueEditing
Hawk the SlayertrueEditing
Treasure IslandtrueEditing
The Purple PlaintrueSound
Bachelor of HeartstrueEditing
The Monster SquadtrueSound
Going UndercovertrueEditing
The DisappearancetrueEditing
Lady of VengeancetrueEditing
The Thirty Nine StepstrueEditing
The Pick-up ArtisttrueSound