James Bradford
James Bradford
Top Movie Cast
The Lost Worldtrue- Lord Thomas Race Against Timetrue- Judge Heritage Minutes: Rural Teachertrue- Mr. Clarence Mountaintop Motel Massacretrue- Sheriff The Perfect Marriagetrue- Howard The Red Violintrue- Stagehand (Montréal) The Windsor Protocoltrue- Sir Reginald Welland Babar and Father Christmastrue- Babar (voice) The Long Wintertrue- Sir James Colborne La sacréetrue- Ed Bronzeman La sacréetrue- André Houle Mrs. Soffeltrue- Minister Rieltrue- Captain Bradshaw The Young and Prodigious T.S. Spivettrue- Smithsonian President Happy Birthday Bunnykinstrue- Mr. Bunnykins (voice) Heaven On Earthtrue- Official The Velveteen Rabbittrue- Tin Soldier (voice) Young Ivanhoetrue- Sir Cedric The Aviatortrue- Uncle Willy Little Mentrue- Silas Blake Mouseytrue- Private Detective The Stork Derbytrue- Judge Carrington Heritage Minutes: Halifax Explosiontrue- Harry The Greatest Game Ever Playedtrue- Robert Watson The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperortrue- Butler Jameson Sexual Intenttrue- Singing Christian Psychopathtrue- Roy Cahoon Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circletrue- Host at Tribute