David Nerman
David Nerman
Top Movie Cast
The Lost Worldtrue- John Roxton Straight Linetrue- Danforth (Dick) Decker The Second Arrivaltrue- Newspaper Editor The Miniontrue- Lieutenant Roseberry Incident in a Small Towntrue- Frank Trenton Hostage for a Daytrue- Jesus Bonilla The Tuche Family: The American Dreamtrue- Charles Ingalls The Ultimate Weapontrue- Ryan Witchboard III: The Possessiontrue- Brian A Little Off the Toptrue- Sylvio The Cutting Edge: Fire & Icetrue- Wade Duncan The Conspiracy of Feartrue- Wolfe Eye of the Beholdertrue- Mickey Argyle Nightwavestrue- David Birkwell Posing: Inspired by Three Real Storiestrue- Michael Specimentrue- Sheriff Jimmy Masterson