Dean Houlihan
Dean Houlihan
Top Movie Cast
Carnal Redemptiontrue- News Anchorman Amityville Karentrue- Vlogger The Craiglon Incident III: Annihilationtrue- Clark A Bengal for Christmastrue- The Storyteller Dying Scenestrue- Dr. Gary Gorey Follow the Deadtrue- Guy In Bar The Amityville Exorcisttrue- Father O' Breanne Nekrologytrue- Michael Breen (segment "Death Scented Lover") Christmas Slashertrue- Lance The Witches of the Sandstrue- Dean Houlihan Topless Tori's Tomb of Terrortrue Natasha Nighty's Boudoir of Blood 2true Faces of Dying IVtrue- Actor Air Fryer Slaughtertrue- Oliver Cayer AKA "The Klunkmaster" Ted Bundy Had a Sontrue- Simon / Killer Top Movie Crew
Beyond the Gates of HelltrueDirecting
Christmas SlashertrueProduction
Topless Tori's Tomb of TerrortrueDirecting
Natasha Nighty's Boudoir of Blood 2trueDirecting
Faces of Dying IVtrueDirecting
Awesomely Righteous & RadicaltrueDirecting
The Clown Chainsaw MassacretrueProduction
Dark MixtapetrueDirecting
Tapes of DeathtrueDirecting
Ted Bundy Had a SontrueDirecting
Faces of Dying VItrueDirecting
Mondo Shock 3trueDirecting
Tapes of Death Chapter 2trueDirecting