Reinhold Bernt
Reinhold Bernt
Top Movie Cast
Two Among Millionstrue- Schliemke Spy for Germanytrue- U-Boot-Steuermann Anastasia: the Czar's Last Daughtertrue- Landpolizist The daredeviltrue- Willy, Stallmeister Sherlock Holmes: The Grey Ladytrue- Wilson Peter Voss, Thief of Millionstrue- Newspaper seller Thunder, Lightning and Sunshinetrue- Franzl, Gehilfe Huckebeins The Beggar Studenttrue- Pedell Fruit in the Neighbor's Gardentrue- Gottfried Berger Hitler Youth Quextrue- Ausrufer Mordsache Holmtrue- Kriminalassistent Henneberg Carl Peterstrue- Unteroffizier Hansen Süss, the Jewtrue- Folterknecht Destination Deathtrue- Fernfahrer Willi Wirth Irrtum des Herzenstrue- Dr. Reithofer Doctor Without Scruplestrue- Police Officer The Other Sidetrue- Feldwebel Zentrale Riotrue- Sergeant Carmo ...and the Sky Above Ustrue The Blue Angeltrue- The Clown Top Movie Crew
Zentrale RiotrueDirecting
Fruit in the Neighbor's GardentrueWriting