Top Movie Cast
The Man Without a Futuretrue A Friend of the Peopletrue- Kurt Kamp - Clockmaker Beyond the Barricadetrue- Prof. Arildt The Usurer's Sontrue- Sintram Grib The Night Before Christian's Birthdaytrue Lynettrue- Filminstruktør Lynettrue- Opdagelsesbetjent Kidnappedtrue- Kriminalassistent With Full Musictrue- Diener The Old Fritztrue- General Zieten The Old Fritz IItrue- General Zieten Der Mann um Mitternachttrue Top Movie Crew
A Trip to MarstrueDirecting
Retten sejrertrueDirecting
Towards the LighttrueDirecting
Lay Down Your Arms!trueDirecting
Alone At LasttrueDirecting
A Golden HearttrueDirecting
The Candle and the MothtrueDirecting
The Saving FilmtrueDirecting
His Innocent DupetrueDirecting
The Man Without a FuturetrueDirecting
Peace on EarthtrueDirecting
Sister CeciliatrueDirecting
A Friend of the PeopletrueDirecting
Beyond the BarricadetrueDirecting
The Road to HappinesstrueDirecting
A Deal with the DeviltrueDirecting
The Usurer's SontrueDirecting
The Usurer's SontrueWriting
Sol over DanmarktrueDirecting
The AwakeningtrueDirecting
The Gambler's WifetrueDirecting
Was ist los mit Nanette?trueDirecting
Love's DevoteetrueDirecting
Towards the LighttrueWriting
Beyond the BarricadetrueWriting
Zaida, die Tragödie eines ModellstrueDirecting
Præstens DattertrueDirecting
Der EvangelimanntrueDirecting
Der EvangelimanntrueWriting
Manden, der sejredetrueDirecting
Det Største i VerdentrueDirecting
Det Største i VerdentrueWriting
Unjustly AccusedtrueDirecting
Mens Pesten rasertrueDirecting
Den hvide DametrueDirecting
A Marriage of ConveniencetrueDirecting
The Princess' DilemmatrueDirecting
The Candle and the MothtrueWriting
Der Mann um MitternachttrueDirecting
Der Mann um MitternachttrueWriting
The Soul of the ViolintrueDirecting
Livets GøglespiltrueDirecting