Yutaka Kyan
Yutaka Kyan
Top Movie Cast
HiGH&LOW The Movie 2: End of Skytrue- Bito Summer of Leftover Stubbletrue The Quiet Don: Chapter 1true 死ガ二人ヲワカツマデ・・・ 第一章 色ノナイ青true Road To High & Lowtrue- Bito High & Low The Movietrue- BITO The Man Who Failed to Dietrue Unification of Japan Gaiden: Kawatani Family - Jiro the Outlaw Assassintrue- Onaga Terukuni Unification of Japan Gaiden: Yamazaki Ichimon 8 - Metropolitan Police Department vs. Yamazaki Ichimontrue Inuyasha - Stage Playtrue- Inuyasha Unification of Japan 65true