Daniel Mendaille
Daniel Mendaille
Top Movie Cast
The Jade Caskettrue- Akmet le bandit Sky Battaliontrue- Baron de Brandoz Comradeshiptrue- Jean Leclerc Verdun, memories of historytrue La roche aux mouettestrue The Bread Peddlertrue- Soliveau L'Heureuse Aventuretrue- Rémondy Lucrezia Borgiatrue- Micheletto, chief henchman L'Auberge de l'abîmetrue- Palihan Immortal Francetrue- Clémenceau One of the Legiontrue- Charlin The Crime of the Justtrue- Le garde Secret Cargotrue- L'amiral Véroniquetrue- The director of the prison Pigalle-Saint-Germain-des-Préstrue- Le directeur de la P.J. The Secret of Mayerlingtrue- (uncredited) Mayatrue- Le directeur du bureau de navigation The Convicttrue- Head of the plantation Andalusiatrue- Doctor (uncredited) Under the Paris Skytrue- Examiner (uncredited) The Lottery of Happinesstrue La Mort du duc d'Enghien en 1804true The Count of Bragelonnetrue On Trialtrue- (uncredited) Sinners of Paristrue- Un ami du Fondu The Drop Of Bloodtrue- Le juge d'instruction Flesh and Desiretrue- Peddler Stolen Lifetrue- Old Pauliac Flight Into Darknesstrue- Deschamps Trafiquants de la mertrue- Le capitaine Lacoumé Captain Fracassetrue- Agostin Les Violentstrue- Boss of the bistro Madame et son autotrue- Petit Napoleontrue- Louis Marie Stanislas Fréron Maria Chapdelainetrue- Le curé Saint Joan the Maidtrue- Lord Talbot Stolen Affectionstrue- Le confesseur Counter-investigationtrue- Diamond Joe El sueño de Andalucíatrue- Le médecin (uncredited) We Are All Murdererstrue- Un gardien Verdun: Visions of Historytrue- The husband The Earrings of Madame de...true- Un passant (uncredited) Lopez, le bandittrue- Uncle