Hiroshi Takahashi
Hiroshi Takahashi
Top Movie Cast
Look of Lovetrue- Gregory Spine-Chilling Short Stories Kowabanatrue Premonitiontrue- Man Who Talking to Satomi The Band From Nowheretrue Top Movie Crew
The Sylvian ExperimentstrueWriting
GO CRAZY 銃弾を駆け抜けろ!trueWriting
The Sylvian ExperimentstrueDirecting
Serpent's PathtrueWriting
Orochi - BloodtrueWriting
Sodom the KillertrueDirecting
Sodom the KillertrueWriting
Hanako of the ToilettrueWriting
Orochi - BloodtrueWriting
Sea of MadnesstrueDirecting
Sea of MadnesstrueWriting
The House of the SerpenttrueWriting
The House of the SerpenttrueDirecting
XX: Beautiful BeasttrueWriting
Welcome to Toei SlaughterhousetrueWriting
XX: Beautiful HuntertrueWriting
The MisogynytrueDirecting
Hill of DreamstrueDirecting
The Revenge: A Visit from FatetrueWriting
Welcome to Toei SlaughterhousetrueDirecting
Hold Me and Kiss MetrueWriting
Curse, Death & SpirittrueWriting
Deka MatsuritrueDirecting
Hill of DreamstrueWriting
Occult BolshevismtrueDirecting
Occult BolshevismtrueWriting
School Ghost Story: Spring Haunting SpecialtrueWriting
The Nude WomantrueWriting
The Carol of the Old OnestrueDirecting
The Carol of the Old OnestrueWriting
Ju-on: The GrudgetrueCrew
Toshimaen: Haunted ParktrueDirecting
Toshimaen: Haunted ParktrueWriting
Serpent's PathtrueWriting
Serpent's PathtrueWriting
The Ghost StationtrueWriting