Yutaka Matsushige
Yutaka Matsushige
Top Movie Cast
Dear Doctortrue- Yukinari Hatano Inu-Ohtrue- Tomona's Father (voice) Lady Jokertrue- Nishimura Shinobi: Heart Under Bladetrue- Hattori Hanzou Blood and Bonestrue- Nobuyoshi Ko What Happened to Our Nest Egg!?true- Akira Goto Last Life in the Universetrue- Yukio 孤独のグルメSeason4 真夏の博多・出張スペシャルtrue- Inogashira Goro Beef tongue set meal with seafood bowl of Onagawa in Sendaitrue- Inogashira Goro Yakuza: Like a Dragontrue- Makoto Date Turtles Are Surprisingly Fast Swimmerstrue- Ramen Chef Adrift in Tokyotrue- Tomobe Threads - Our Tapestry of Lovetrue Instant Swamptrue- Kawabata Operation Love Specialtrue- Matsunori Ito The Princess Bladetrue- Anka Bayside Shakedown 3: Set the Guys Loosetrue- Bomb Disposal Team Leader Phone Call to the Bartrue- Aida 孤独のグルメ 2020大晦日スペシャル~俺の食事に密はないtrue- Inogashira Goro 孤独のグルメ2019大晦日スペシャル 緊急指令! 成田~福岡~釜山 弾丸出張編!true- Inogashira Goro 孤独のグルメ 大晦日スペシャル 京都・名古屋出張編true- Inogashira Goro Jusei: Last Drop of Bloodtrue Tokyo Gokudo Conflict Outbreaktrue Gokudo Retsuden Sakura (HANA) and Dragon (RYU)true Tales of the Bizarre: 2004 Fall Specialtrue The Guard from Undergroundtrue- Fujimaru Tales of the Bizarre: 2016 Spring Specialtrue Beyond Outragetrue- Detective Shigeta Dog × Police: The K-9 Forcetrue The Last 10 Yearstrue- Akihisa Takabayashi Transparent: Tribute to a Sad Geniustrue- Shigefumi Shiraki Princess in an Iron Helmettrue One Missed Calltrue- Ichiro Fujieda The Silent Sword: Loyalty and Honortrue The Love and Death of Kaoru Mitaraitrue- Sasaoka The Confidence Man JP - Episode of the Hero -true- Tamba What to Do With the Dead Kaiju?true- Noboru Yamikumo Jingi 29: Gokudo Corpse Robberytrue Kaidan Horror Classicstrue Myu will Give Daddy Her Legstrue- Kazuo Kurose Drive Into Nighttrue- Kim-Jung Woo Monsterztrue- Detective Shibamoto Sun Scarredtrue- Katsuya Ozaki Shinkoyaki and other croquettes in Asahikawatrue- Inogashira Goro 孤独のグルメ2021大晦日スペシャル~激走!絶景絶品・年忘れロードムービーtrue- Inogashira Goro Fried levanilla with rib steak from Tsudanuma in Nakanotrue- Inogashira Goro 素敵な選TAXI SPECIAL〜湯けむり連続選択肢〜true Talk, Talk, Talktrue- Taichi Yugawara The Insects Unlisted in the Encyclopediatrue- Mashima 孤独のグルメ2023大晦日SP 井之頭五郎、南へ逃避行『探さないでください。』true- Inogashira Goro ミッドナイト・ジャーナル 消えた誘拐犯を追えtrue Maestro!true- Hiroaki Soma Midnight Dinertrue- Ryu Kenzaki Tokyo!true- (segment "Shaking Tokyo") Kabukicho Love Hoteltrue- Yasuo Ikezawa Crows Zero IItrue- Ushiyama A Lone Scalpeltrue- Takeshi Minorikawa Smiletrue- Takuya's father 孤独のグルメ 2022大晦日スペシャル 年忘れ、食の格闘技。カニの使いはあらたいへん。true- Inogashira Goro Seven Weekstrue- Haruhiko Suzuki Last Miletrue- Kamikura Yasuo Herotrue- Kenzaburo Kawajiri Miss Hokusaitrue- Katsushika Hokusai (voice) K-20: The Fiend with Twenty Facestrue- Prisoner Detective in the Bar 2true- Aida Lost and Foundtrue- Touji Seo The Wings of the Kirintrue- Kobayashi Good Morning Showtrue- Tetsuto Kuroiwa The Solitary Gourmettrue- Inogashira Goro Rodeo Drive -ロデオドライブ-true 18×2 Beyond Youthful Daystrue- Nakazato Midnight Diner 2true- Ryu Museumtrue- Kozo Sekihata Outrage Codatrue- Detective Shigeta Yakuza Ladies: Burning Desiretrue The Last Shot in the Bartrue- Aida Adrenaline Drivetrue- Kuroiwa Dynamite Graffititrue- Detective Morohashi Killing for the Prosecutiontrue- 諏訪部利成 Cafe Funiculi Funiculatrue- Yasunori Fusaki Love At Leasttrue- Isoyama Konomichitrue- Tekkan Yosano 2030 Kanata no Kazokutrue- Itakura Toru Aoi Hitomi to Nuagetrue- Hideto Kaitsuka Mr. Hikita, I Am Knocked Uptrue- Kunio Hikita Designated Lawyertrue- Goro Kakeida Snipertrue- Tadataka Matake Samurai Shifterstrue- Sanemon Motomura Sukiyaki Western Djangotrue- Toshio Prayer Beadstrue- (segment "It's Me") Chichi to Musuko no Chika Idoltrue- Sendo Hanamizukitrue- Kenjiro Kiuchi Tomorrow's Familytrue- Shunsaku Onodera The Voice of Sintrue- Yosuke Mizushima Our 30-Minute Sessionstrue- Fujio Yoshii Hakata Movie: Chinchiromaitrue Farewell: Comedy of Life Begins with a Lietrue Si-Sei 2 -The Fallen Spider-true Solomon's Perjury 2: Judgmenttrue- Kitao (school teacher) Solomon's Perjury 1: Suspiciontrue- Teacher Kitao Kodokunogurume ōmisoka supesharu ~ tabe-osame! Setouchi shutchō-hen ~true- Inogashira Goro The Supporting Actors in Byplaywoodtrue Welcome to Irabu's Officetrue- The Ji'an Family 孤独のグルメ2024大晦日スペシャル 太平洋から日本海 五郎、北へ あの人たちの所まで。true- Inogashira Goro Top Movie Crew
The Solitary GourmettrueDirecting
The Solitary GourmettrueWriting