William Karel
William Karel
Top Movie Cast
Sous le soleil de Pialattrue- Narrator Top Movie Crew
Dark Side of the MoontrueDirecting
The World According To BushtrueWriting
The World According To BushtrueDirecting
VGE, le théâtre du pouvoirtrueDirecting
Poison d'avriltrueDirecting
My Dad Is Into TerrorismtrueDirecting
Passion Fanny ArdanttrueDirecting
Philip Roth: UnmaskedtrueDirecting
Philip Roth: UnmaskedtrueWriting
Sous le soleil de PialattrueDirecting
La diaspora des cendrestrueDirecting
Johnny par LaeticiatrueDirecting
Dark Side of the MoontrueWriting
Hillary: A Woman on the EdgetrueDirecting
François Mitterrand : que reste-t-il de nos amours ?trueDirecting
Salman Rushdie: Death on a TrailtrueDirecting
Salman Rushdie: Death on a TrailtrueWriting
The Death TraintrueDirecting
Histoires d'IsraëltrueDirecting
Isabelle Huppert: Personal MessagetrueDirecting
After the HolocausttrueDirecting
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