Federico Pacifici
Federico Pacifici
Top Movie Cast
Boris: The Filmtrue- Brusiani No problemtrue- Produttore No Thanks, Coffee Makes Me Nervoustrue- Nuova Napoli Festival Organizer (uncredited) The Fall of the Rebel Angelstrue The case is closed, go in peacetrue Night Rippertrue- Mostro di Firenze Titanium Whitetrue- Inspector Diaz - Don't Clean Up This Bloodtrue- Funzionario Questura The Scent of the Nighttrue- Mezzalira Excellent Cadaverstrue- Judge Diana Ti sposo ma non troppotrue- Dr. Ferri Flight of the Innocenttrue- Scarface The King's Whoretrue- 1st Courtier The Past Is a Foreign Landtrue- Lawyer The Raffletrue- Sostituto procuratore He Looks Dead... But He's Only Faintedtrue Almost Bluetrue- Capitano Carabinieri The Passion of the Christtrue- Elder Vacation in Helltrue- Mario Angel of Eviltrue- Chirurgo Hotel Meinatrue- Alberto Moneri The Trucetrue- Lieutenant Elective Affinitiestrue- L'architetto Circle of Passionstrue- Silvio Croce The Remains of Nothingtrue- Clemente Fonseca The Eighteenth Angeltrue- Dark Eyed Cleric Il giudiziotrue- Giudice Balleri The Great Ambitiontrue- Giorgio Amendola The Omentrue- Rome Cab Driver Profile Images
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