Mariya Kapnist
Mariya Kapnist
Top Movie Cast
Dark Waterstrue- Mother Superior Unburned Under Firetrue- (archive footage) The Bronze Birdtrue- Countess We, Two Mentrue- elderly passenger with a goose The Story of One Billiard-Roomtrue- Amanda (as M. Kapnist) Ruslan and Ludmilatrue- Naina the Witch The Lost Lettertrue- Witch The fairy-tale world of Aleksandr Ptushkotrue- Naina - evil sorceress Premiere in Sosnivkatrue- regional theater costume designer Chancetrue- Милица Фёдоровна Smiles of Nechiporovkatrue Art of Living in Odessatrue- Manya Savage Hunt of King Stakhtrue- housekeeper The Husband of Young Womantrue- Nadirova Andrey and Evil Wizardtrue- старуха Farewell, Punks of Zamoskvorechye...true- баба Роза Ivanko and Tsar Poganintrue Dmitro Goritsvittrue- Varchuk's mother Комический любовник, или Любовные затеи сэра Джона Фальстафаtrue- дама в вуали Two on the Island of Tearstrue