Sergei Ivanov
Sergei Ivanov
Top Movie Cast
Улица тринадцати тополейtrue Only Old Men Are Going to Battletrue- Lieutenant "Grasshopper" Alexandrov Flights in Dreams and in Realitytrue Agent of the Secret Servicetrue- Lieutenant Chebotar Blue and Greentrue- Mitya Who was loved by alltrue- Self Fuss of the Fussestrue- Vasya 72 Degrees Below Zerotrue- Peter Zadirayu Smiles of Nechiporovkatrue According to the Laws of Wartrue Tenderness for the Roaring Beasttrue- Карауш Country Trip of Sgt. Tsybulyatrue- Sergeant Tsybulya Lady with a Parrottrue- Витёк The Morning is Wiser Than Eveningtrue- Юрий Доценко, токарь A Story About a Simple Thingtrue Romashkin Effecttrue- кинолюбитель Егор Where is he going!true- Григорий How the Steel Was Temperedtrue- Серёга Брузжак One-Two, Soldiers Were Going...true- рядовой Лавкин Don't Give Up the Queentrue Pani Mariyatrue- Станислав Адамович The Diamond Trailtrue- Lyonka The Kotsiubynsky familytrue- Pavlo Tychyna Zozulya with Diplomatrue- Pavel Ivanovich Svechka The Secrets of St. Yuritrue Days of the Turbinstrue- Лариосик (Ларион Ларионович Суржанский), житомирский кузен Profile Images
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