Jacques Marin
Jacques Marin
Top Movie Cast
How to Steal a Milliontrue- Chief Guard The Cheaterstrue- Hippolyte Félix The Girl on a Motorcycletrue- Pump Attendant Horoscopetrue- J.L. Beauché Charadetrue- Edouard Grandpierre Forbidden Gamestrue- Georges Dolle Joe: The Busybodytrue- Andrieux The Old Guardtrue- Gendarmerie brigadier on a bicycle (uncredited) Tiara Tahititrue- Desmoulins The Island at the Top of the Worldtrue- Captain Brieux A Star for Twotrue- Raymond The Gentleman from Epsomtrue- Raoul Ach du lieber Harrytrue- Hochwürden Harry The Night of the Following Daytrue- Bartender The 25th Hourtrue- Le soldat chez Debresco (uncredited) Hi-Jack Highwaytrue- le gendarme au commissariat La rue des bouches peintestrue- Le policier The Presidenttrue- Gaston, le chauffeur de car et guide Le Jour de gloiretrue- le bistrotier Women and Wartrue- M. Gaspard, l'épicier The Beautiful Triptrue- A thug The Killer is Listeningtrue- Bartender (uncredited) How to Keep the Red Lamp Burningtrue- Second-hand dealer and mover who buys furniture (segment "La Fermeture") Alone in Paristrue- Un homme du village (uncredited) Double or Quitstrue- Lucien The Roots of Heaventrue- Cerisot The Black Flag Waves Over the Scowtrue- Antoine Simonet Holy Yeartrue- Moreau, prison guard Te marre pas... c'est pour rire !true- Albert A Time for Lovingtrue- Driver Shut Up, Gullitrue- The banner bearer The Secret of the Selenitestrue- Hercule (Voice) Blood to the Headtrue- L'agent de police (uncredited) The Fugitivestrue- Un prisonnier Impossible Is Not Frenchtrue- Dussautoy Cash-Cashtrue- Bernard Lockwood La Traversée de Paristrue- Owner of the restaurant Saint Martin The Centipede Is Tap Dancingtrue- L'inspecteur de police A Very Curious Girltrue- Félix Lechat Black Dossiertrue- Un policier Reproduction interditetrue Herbie Goes to Monte Carlotrue- Inspector Bouchet Love and the Frenchwomantrue- Le contôleur du train (segment "Le Mariage") Général... nous voilà !true- Mac Goland Darling Lilitrue- Major Duvalle Les Misérablestrue- Le secrétaire de Monsieur Madelaine Lady Chatterley's Lovertrue On the Benchtrue- Agent chasing Carmen and La Hurlette Au cœur de la villetrue- Mr. Verdier Madame et son autotrue- Rouille Anatomy of a Marriage: My Days with Françoisetrue- (uncredited) French Cancantrue- Un spectateur (uncredited) Who Is Killing the Great Chefs of Europe?true- Marcel Massanet Les murs ont des oreillestrue- Lucas, the gardener The Versailles Affairtrue Croquemitoufletrue- Controller Paris in Augusttrue- Bouvreuil The Oldest Professiontrue- Policeman (segment "Aujourd'hui") (uncredited) Catherine & Co.true- Le patron de l'agence de location de voitures Speaking of Murdertrue- Le policier de garde The Enemy Generaltrue- Marceau Black Humortrue- segment 1 'La Bestiole' Hardboiled Egg Timetrue- Le pêcheur à la ligne La Belle au bois dormanttrue Pétrustrue- Le commissaire Les Deux Viergestrue- Achille Give 'em Helltrue- Police inspector Three Days to Livetrue- Thérese The Vintagetrue- Cousin (uncredited) Let's Be Daring, Madametrue- (uncredited) Pantalaskastrue- Tropmann Towards Ecstasytrue- The butcher Flic Storytrue- Owner of the inn in Saint-Rémy Marathon Mantrue- LeClerc Drôles de phénomènestrue- The inspector Shaft in Africatrue- Cusset Vacaciones para Ivettetrue- Noel Bernard The Counterfeiters of Paristrue- Inspector Larpin (uncredited) Fantomas Unleashedtrue- Agent de police ferroviaire The Night Affairtrue- Le garçon de café (uncredited) Maigret and the St. Fiacre Casetrue- Albert The Gamblertrue- Casino employee who searches under the table Papa, Mama, the Maid and Itrue- Gaston, neighbor on the sixth floor, under the roofs From Hong Kong with Lovetrue- Le gradé de la police Love Is My Professiontrue- Le réceptionniste de l'hôtel Trianon The Gates of Paristrue- an inspector (uncredited) La Parisiennetrue- Le policier motard (uncredited) Papa, Mama, My Wife and Metrue- Le garagiste (uncredited) Un coup dans l'ailetrue- Barman The Black Monocletrue- Trochu The Truthtrue- Le conducteur du bus Now Where Did the Seventh Company Get to?true- L'épicier, collaborateur avant l'heure The Man in the Buicktrue- Un Déménageur The Fabulous Adventures of the Legendary Baron Munchausentrue- Hercule (Voice) The Calculus Affairtrue- Dupond / Dupont (voice) Tintin and the Temple of the Suntrue- Scholar #1 (voice) Crack in the Mirrortrue- Watchman Top Movie Crew
Impossible Is Not FrenchtrueProduction