Jean-Marc Bory
Jean-Marc Bory
Top Movie Cast
The Loverstrue- Bernard Dubois-Lambert The Wolves in the Sheepfoldtrue- Roger The New Worldtrue- Husband Sweet and Sourtrue- Reporter Love on a Pillowtrue- Pierre Leroy Bernadettetrue- Le curé Peyramale Cinderellatrue- Vater/Father Adorable Liartrue- Martin Judge Fayard Called the Sherifftrue- Monsieur Paul The Animalstrue- Récitant (voice) The Battle of Austerlitztrue- Soult At the Meeting with Joyous Deathtrue- Marc La grande bretèchetrue- Marc L'Affaire Seznectrue- Le commandant Romain Jamais plus toujourstrue- Mathieu A Sentimental Attempttrue- Dino Farinet, Heroes and Outlawtrue- Gaspard de Sépibus Wolves in the Abysstrue- Tenente Where the Truth Liestrue- François Rauchelle Chaste and Puretrue- Dr. Natal Madame Baptistetrue- Le père Black Dossiertrue- Le juge Jacques Arnaud A Better Lifetrue- Véronique's father The Blue Ferristrue- Stanislas A Prostitute Serving the Public and in Compliance with the Laws of the Statetrue- François Coly The Strangertrue- (uncredited) Mad Lovetrue- Simon Venin Catherine de Heilbronntrue- Theobald Friedeborn Il carro armato dell'8 settembretrue- Carlo Bollini Countdown to Vengeancetrue- Ferrier L'amour des femmestrue- Bruno Ro.Go.Pa.G.true- Husband (segment "Il nuovo mondo") Portuguese Vacationtrue- Jean-Marc Aller simple (Tres historias del Río de la Plata)true Triple Crosstrue- Resistance Leader (uncredited) Légitime défensetrue- Judge Morlaix Arden de Favershamtrue- Mosbie