John Klyza
John Klyza
Top Movie Cast
Not for the Faint of Hearttrue- Himself Top Movie Crew
Reunion MassacretrueWriting
Doll Killer 2trueProduction
Sleepaway Camp IV: The SurvivortrueProduction
Silent Night, Bloody Night 2: RevivaltrueWriting
Silent Night, Bloody Night 2: RevivaltrueSound
Cheerleader Camp 2 The DeathtrueWriting
Cheerleader Camp 2 The DeathtrueProduction
I Eat Your SkintrueDirecting
Silent Night, Bloody Night 2: RevivaltrueArt
Silent Night, Bloody Night 3: DescenttrueProduction
Silent Night, Bloody Night 3: DescenttrueCrew
Amityville WastelandtrueProduction