Armando Tortorici
Armando Tortorici
Top Movie Cast
Ginger and Fredtrue- Television Dealer (uncredited) The Taming of the Shrewtrue- Citizen (uncredited) Sacco & Vanzettitrue- (uncredited) School of Thievestrue- (uncredited) Ultràtrue- Prison Guard (uncredited) The Bosstrue- Don Antonino Attardi's Associate (uncredited) Puttana galera!true- Prison Guard The Escorttrue- Policeman at Gas Station (uncredited) Ma che musica maestrotrue- Train Man (uncredited) The Professortrue- Inmate (uncredited) Naples... Serenade Caliber 9true- Policeman (uncredited) L'eredità dello zio buonanimatrue- Painter (uncredited) The Inglorious Bastardstrue- Partisian (uncredited) Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspiciontrue- Arrested Contestant (uncredited) Intervistatrue- Historical Film Set Assistant (uncredited) Two Public Enemiestrue- Infermiere (uncredited) A Matter of Timetrue- Hotel Cook (uncredited) Il casinistatrue- Scagnozzo (uncredited) Carambola's Philosophy: In the Right Pockettrue- Bandit (uncredited) The Sheriff and the Satellite Kidtrue- (uncredited) The Beyondtrue- Hospital Zombie (uncredited) Night Police Stationtrue- Policeman (uncredited) Mahoganytrue- Dress Studio Worker (uncredited) Riot in a Women's Prisontrue- Policeman (uncredited) Rome, the Other Face of Violencetrue- Police Officer (uncredited) His Name Was Holy Ghosttrue- Ubarte's Soldier at Fort (uncredited) A Dangerous Toytrue- Policeman (uncredited) Profile Images
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