Viktor Stepanenko
Viktor Stepanenko
Top Movie Cast
Rain in a Foreign Citytrue About Crazy Love, a Sniper and an Astronauttrue A Tale of a Loud Drumtrue We Take Everything Upon Ourselvestrue- Odintsov Coast Warningtrue- Vladimir Mikhailovich Anishchenko - deputy chief engineer Comrade Brigadetrue- Андреевич (Закостеневский) Only Old Men Are Going to Battletrue A Train to a Distant Augusttrue- Captain Komar Эквилибристtrue- работник технической базы цирка Where are you, Knights?true Days of the Turbinstrue- Vasyl's friend Each Evening After Worktrue- evening school student For It's Weight in Goldtrue Warmth of the Chilly Earthtrue- Степан Кирин Tenderness for the Roaring Beasttrue- Boris's acquaintance Punchy Mantrue- автослесарь Love For Your Neighbortrue- кинооператор The Birthday Presenttrue- Officer We were Led by Youth...true Every Hunter Wants To Knowtrue Batallions Ask for Firetrue Niagaratrue- Larisa's neighbor The Wedding Is Accusedtrue- guest Marrying Deathtrue- wedding guest For the Family Hearthtrue Tachanka from the Southtrue- Сирый Profile Images
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