Mosko Alkalai
Mosko Alkalai
Top Movie Cast
Moses the Lawgivertrue- Amram The Mummy Livestrue- Kroll Goodbye, New Yorktrue- Papalovski The Delta Forcetrue- TV reporter Nadiatrue- English Teacher Lanskytrue- Jewelry Shopkeeper The Fox in the Chicken Cooptrue- Tzemach Goorevitch King of Beggarstrue- Yankalle Soffer Wanted: Four Legged Husbandtrue Yana's Friendstrue- Yitzhak Forced Witnesstrue- Belkin Repeat Divetrue- Yohi's father The Revenge of Itzik Finkelsteintrue- Yehuda Seven Times a Daytrue- (as Moscu Alacalay) Madrontrue- Claude (uncredited) Le Testament d'un poète juif assassinétrue- Paltiel's Father The New Media Bible: The Gospel According to St. Luketrue- Matthew Meeting Venustrue- Jean Gabor Bloomfieldtrue- 1st Committee Man No Names on the Doorstrue Ha-Diber Ha-11true- Client