José Quaglio
José Quaglio
Top Movie Cast
Max & Jeremietrue- Eugene Agopian Moses the Lawgivertrue- Minister # 1 The Eroticisttrue- Pietro Fornari The Conformisttrue- Italo Montanari The Dream of Anothertrue- Albert Elvesham Homer: Portrait of the Artist as an Old Mantrue Short Night of Glass Dollstrue- Valinski Angel of the Nighttrue- (uncredited) Blood to the Headtrue- Mimile Babin Eyes Behind the Walltrue- Ottavio The Count of Bragelonnetrue Con gli occhi dell'occidentetrue- Principe Kalinin Damned in Venicetrue- Father Stefani The Man of the Windstrue- Jaeger Per odio, per amoretrue- Don Tommasino Thank You, Naterciatrue- Claude Traffico d'Armi nel Golfotrue- Mr. Ross La verginellatrue- Giovanni Boldrini The Assassination of Matteottitrue- questore Bertini Three Days to Livetrue- Un acteur Your Hands on My Bodytrue- Mario Who Saw Her Die?true- Bonaiuti Woman Buried Alivetrue- Morel Le intermittenze del cuoretrue The Colors of the Deviltrue- Peter Barbablù, Barbablùtrue- Dominici