Terence Longdon
Terence Longdon
Top Movie Cast
Carry On Nursetrue- Ted York Carry On Regardlesstrue- Montgomery Infield-Hopping Carry On Sergeanttrue- Miles Heywood Another Time, Another Placetrue- Alan Thompson Clash by Nighttrue- Martin Lord That's Carry On!true- Various Characters The Return of Mr. Mototrue- Jonathan Westering, MI5 Dangerous Exiletrue- Sir Frederick Venner What a Whoppertrue- Vernon Out of the Shadowtrue- Mark Robert Kingston Appointment in Londontrue- Dr. Buchanan On the Fiddletrue- Air Gunner Carry On Constabletrue- Herbert Hall Doctor at Largetrue- George Simon and Lauratrue- Barney Mr. Arkadintrue- Secretary The Silent Enemytrue- Lt Bailey The Wild Geesetrue- Anonymous Man The Sea Wolvestrue- Malvern Forbidden Cargotrue- A.P.O. at Customs Launch Helen of Troytrue- Patroclus Jumping for Joytrue- John Wyndham The Man Who Never Wastrue- Larry Angels One Fivetrue- Falk, Pimpernel Pilot