Chuck Hicks
Chuck Hicks
Top Movie Cast
Cool Hand Luketrue- Chief Creature with the Atom Braintrue- Pilot (uncredited) Joe Dancer III: The Big Tradetrue- Construction Thug Driver (uncredited) Cheaper to Keep Hertrue- Abe Merrill's Marauderstrue- Cpl. Doskis ...All the Marblestrue- Thug Slaughter's Big Rip Offtrue- Lyle Parker River of No Returntrue- Prospector (uncredited) White Christmastrue- Anniversary Party Guest (uncredited) Our Man Flinttrue- Guard (uncredited) The Great Racetrue- Saloon Brawler (uncredited) The Silencerstrue- Armed Man (uncredited) The Man from Galvestontrue- US Marshal Chuck (uncredited) The Enemy Withintrue- Bowman Casanova's Big Nighttrue- Assistant Headsman (uncredited) Robin and the 7 Hoodstrue- Factory Worker Gentlemen Prefer Blondestrue- Olympic Team Member (uncredited) Pleasure Palacetrue- Dietrich Hard Timestrue- Speed's Hitter Point Blanktrue- Guard (uncredited) She's Working Her Way Through Collegetrue- Football Player (uncredited) The Last Hurrahtrue- Fighter (uncredited) Rebel Without a Causetrue- Ambulance Attendant (uncredited) Flesh & Bloodtrue- Kingsize Blackboard Jungletrue- Applicant (uncredited) Dirty Harrytrue- Flower Vendor (uncredited) Raging Bulltrue- Cornerman (uncredited) Days of Wine and Rosestrue- Attendant (uncredited) Where Were You When the Lights Went Out?true- Passenger (uncredited) Not With My Wife, You Don'ttrue- Second Australian (uncredited) Battle Crytrue- Marine in Hospital (uncredited) Angel Facetrue- Nightclub Patron (uncredited) Around the World in Eighty Daystrue- Extra (uncredited) Hide in Plain Sighttrue- Frankie Irish Jack Reed: Badge of Honortrue- Sgt. Hunter Gunfire at Indian Gaptrue- Deputy Indiotrue- 'Softball Team' Member (uncredited) Snoop Dogg's Hood of Horrortrue- Tex, Sr. The Ringtrue- Ferry Worker The Top of the Hilltrue- Chuck Farewell, My Lovetrue- Bouncer #3 Every Which Way but Loosetrue- Trucker The Assassintrue- Ed ONeil Wild Womentrue- Cpl. Hearn Johnny Dangerouslytrue- Governor Bronco Billytrue- Cowboy at Bar Native Sontrue- White Man #4 The Beastmastertrue- Boatman In God We Tru$ttrue- Paddywagon Driver The Splittrue- Physical Instructor (uncredited) Movie Movietrue- Hood #3 ("Dynamite Hands") Horizons Westtrue- Barfly (uncredited) Hell Is for Heroestrue- Wounded Prisoner (uncredited) Sunrise at Campobellotrue- Policeman (uncredited) The Boston Stranglertrue- Cop (uncredited) Top Movie Crew
Warlock: The ArmageddontrueCrew
Robin and the 7 HoodstrueCrew
The Sword and the SorcerertrueCrew
Servants of TwilighttrueCrew
The Check is in the Mail...trueCrew
The Fantastic SeventrueCrew
Every Which Way but LoosetrueCrew
Not With My Wife, You Don'ttrueCrew
Star Trek II: The Wrath of KhantrueCrew
Star Trek III: The Search for SpocktrueCrew
The Last of the FinesttrueCrew
Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and FabuloustrueCrew
Hell Is for HeroestrueCrew
The Boston StranglertrueCrew