Jane Marken
Jane Marken
Top Movie Cast
Children of Paradisetrue- Mme Hermine La Dame aux caméliastrue- Prudence ...And God Created Womantrue- Madame Morin Gates of the Nighttrue- Mme Germaine A Day in the Countrytrue- Madame Dufour Return to Lifetrue- Aunt Bertha (segment "Le retour de tante Emma") Summer Lighttrue- Louise Martinet Captain Slippertrue- Mme Cauchard, la mère de Claire Carbon Copytrue- Concierge Such a Pretty Little Beachtrue- Mme Mathieu Three Make a Pairtrue- Georgette Bornier Hôtel du Nordtrue- Louise Lecouvreur Marie of the Porttrue- Mrs. Josselin Let’s Go Up the Champs-Élyséestrue- La Mère de Louisette Mr. Leguignon Lampistetrue- Mme. Leguignon Ferdinand the Roisterertrue- Mrs. Bertimey The Kiddostrue- Mrs. Marie L'Ange du foyertrue- Augustine Two Shy Onestrue- Aunt Valérie The Eternal Husbandtrue- Amélie The Little Ones of the Flower Platformtrue- Madame Chaussin (uncredited) Paris Frillstrue- Mme Lesurque, la tante de Micheline (uncredited) Land Without Starstrue- La secrétaire Alert Nightstrue- Madame Morizot Pétrustrue- Mrs. Portal, butcher Lovers of Paristrue- Eléonore Josserand, the mother La Parade du riretrue- Mrs. de Saint-Jules The Beautiful Triptrue- Albert's wife Love Around the Housetrue Rapide de nuittrue- Madame Louis Road Blockedtrue- Aunt Agathe Chéritrue- Charlotte Peloux The Little Rebelstrue- Children's delegate Adrientrue- Madame Hortense Lady Killertrue- Mme Cailloux, la restauratrice The Mirror Has Two Facestrue- Madame Vauzange The Passerbytrue- Ms. Pomont Dr. Knocktrue- Mme Parpalaid Lady Panametrue- Mme Gambier Crazy for Lovetrue- Augustine Lemoine, la tante Sins of Madeleinetrue- Mrs. Antonine Dedeetrue- Germaine, une entraîneuse du bar The Life and Loves of Beethoventrue- Esther Frechet This Desired Bodytrue- Mrs. Féraud Le Voyage de monsieur Perrichontrue- Mme Caroline Perrichon Life Togethertrue- Madame Fourneau There's No Tomorrowtrue- Mme Béchu Tant qu'il y aura des femmestrue The Inspector Likes a Fighttrue The Crazy Hosteltrue- Mrs. Portafaux Friends of the familytrue Four Flights to Lovetrue- Madame Bonneron - la concierge Un tournage à la campagnetrue- Self Noah's Arktrue- Christine Pelpail Scandals of Clochemerletrue- La baronne de Courtebiche The Road to Shametrue- Mrs. Cassini Leguignon the Healertrue- Mme Leguignon The Turkeytrue- Mme "Coco" Pinchard The Wonderful Nighttrue- Mathilde The Ladies in the Green Hatstrue- Rosalie Davernis The Open Roadtrue- Catherine Each in turntrue- Mrs. Lepage Dear Carolinetrue- Cathy, la nourrice The Secret of Mayerlingtrue- La baronne Hélène Vetsera Two Pennies Worth of Violetstrue- Mme Dubreck, la tante Le Chômeur de Clochemerletrue How to Make a French Dishtrue- Mrs. Alphonse The Man in My Lifetrue- Emma The Cheattrue- La mère de Dora Les Compagnes de la nuittrue- Mme Anita Women's Prisontrue- Mrs. Rémon, Alice's mother-in-law Le Secret d'une mèretrue- Rosa Illicit Motherhoodtrue- La tante de Jacques Profile Images
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