Farida Ouchani
Farida Ouchani
Top Movie Cast
The Nativity Storytrue- Ruth Serial (Bad) Weddings 3true- Moktaria Benassem An Ordinary Mothertrue- Sonia Haute Couturetrue- Manoubia Fatale Orientaletrue- Mère Dalia Habibtrue- Habib's mother Tata Bakhtatrue- Tata Bakhta All Three of Ustrue- Rachida The Italiantrue- Rachida Ben Saoud Guiltytrue- Myriam Badaoui Sons of Ramsestrue- Capitaine Berthier Bad Faithtrue- Habiba's neighbor Opération Portugal 2 : La Vie de châteautrue- Aïcha Comme t'y es belle !true- Fatima Bled Number Onetrue- Loubna La Crèche des hommestrue- Kadra Par instincttrue- Mama Aïcha Catch the Windtrue- Najat Those Happy Daystrue- Mme Gedaui Operation Portugaltrue- Aïcha The World Is Yourstrue- Danny's Duchess Girlfriend