Rodolfo Acosta
Rodolfo Acosta
Top Movie Cast
The Greatest Story Ever Toldtrue- Captain of lancers La malqueridatrue- (uncredited) Run, Simon, Runtrue- Manuel Return of the Seventrue- Lopez One Way Streettrue- Francisco Morales The Sons of Katie Eldertrue- Bondie Adams Young Billy Youngtrue- Mexican Officer Flaming Startrue- Buffalo Horn One-Eyed Jackstrue- Mexican Rurale Captain Yankee Buccaneertrue- Poulini Blood Legacytrue- Sheriff Dan Garcia Posse from Helltrue- Johnny Caddo (as Rudolph Acosta) Bullfighter and the Ladytrue- Juan A Life in the Balancetrue- Lt. Fernando Destination Gobitrue- Tomec The Violent Onestrue- Estevez Trooper Hooktrue- Nanchez The Second Time Aroundtrue- Rodriguez Drum Beattrue- Scarface Charlie Victims of Sintrue- Rodolfo Horizons Westtrue- General Jose Escobar Lopez The Tijuana Storytrue- Manuel Acosta Mesa El canto de la sirenatrue From Hell to Texastrue- Bayliss Appointment in Hondurastrue- Reyes Stranger on the Runtrue- Mercurio City of Bad Mentrue- Joe Mendoza Rosendatrue- Salustio Hernández Rio Conchostrue- Bloodshirt Apache Warriortrue- Marteen Flaptrue- Mr. Storekeeper / Ann's Father San Antonetrue- Chino Figueroa Pancho Villa Returnstrue- Martin Corona Víctimas del divorciotrue The Port of the Seven Sinstrue- El falcón Walk Like a Dragontrue- Sheriff Marguelez Wings of the Hawktrue- Arturo Take Me in Your Armstrue- Agustín Las Islas Mariastrue- El Silencio (The Silence) Retorno al quinto patiotrue Soy un prófugotrue- Esbirro del jefe The Littlest Outlawtrue- Chato Let No Man Write My Epitaphtrue- Max How the West Was Wontrue- Gant Gang Member (uncredited) Passiontrue- Salvador sandro The Fugitivetrue- Policeman (uncredited) Savage Samtrue- Bandy Legs Valley of Mysterytrue- Manuel Sanchez The Raiderstrue- Cherokee Policeman The Great White Hopetrue- El Jefe Night Peopletrue- Uncredited The Proud Onestrue- Chico Sensualidadtrue- el Rizos Los amantestrue- Alejandro / Alex Montez The Legend of Custertrue- Santanya El dinero no es la vidatrue Felipe de Jesústrue- Principe Chokozabe El mar y tutrue- Don Rufino The Last Rebeltrue- 'Three Fingers' Jack Entre tu amor y el cielotrue- Miguel