John Phillips
John Phillips
Top Movie Cast
Quadropheniatrue- Magistrate Village of the Damnedtrue- General Leighton Beckettrue- Bishop of Winchester Mission: Monte Carlotrue- Koestler The Mummy's Shroudtrue- Stanley Preston Man in the Moontrue- Professor Stephens We Joined the Navytrue- Rear Admiral The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stonetrue- Tom Stone Sky Hightrue- Lt. Col. Turbojet Romanoff and Juliettrue- Hooper Moulsworth Fortune Is a Womantrue- Willis Croft Dial Red Otrue- Deputy Morgan A Prize of Armstrue- Col. Fowler Dunkirktrue- Boat Owner Spokesman (uncredited) The Hallelujah Handshaketrue- Rev. Howard Whithead Escape from Stalag Luft 112Btrue- Colonel Harcourt Badger Owen Three Dangerous Ladiestrue- Francis Urcombe Joey Boytrue- Insp. Morgan I Accuse!true- Prosecutor at Esterhazy Trial Offbeattrue- Chief Superintendent Gault The Executionertrue- Examining Judge The Mouse on the Moontrue- Bracewell - U.S. Delegate Angels One Fivetrue- Engineer Officer The Devil's Eggshelltrue- Major General Atkins