Vladimir Antonik
Vladimir Antonik
Top Movie Cast
Lenin in Paristrue- Trofimow Bonfire in the White Nighttrue- Pavel Kopyryev Yaroslav. A Thousand Years Agotrue Prince Vladimirtrue- Emperor (voice) Last Summer of Childhoodtrue- Миша Поляков They Are Waiting For Me On The Groundtrue The Legend of the Brave Fat-Frumostrue- Fat-Frumos The Tale of Peter and Fevroniatrue Tsar Ivan the Terribletrue- Vanka Persten Казачья быльtrue- Севрюк / закадровый текст Fabulous Patrol. The Show Continuestrue Time of Desirestrue- Dima The Magical Portraittrue- Knyaz Who Will Tell A Fable?true- (voice) Primary Russiatrue- Ratibor Heroes of Envelltrue- Morgart I Cannot Say 'Farewell'true- Костя Нечаев Wild Fieldtrue- Никита Сарычев, сотник Holiday in Expectation of a Holidaytrue- Motya One Second for a Feattrue The Wizard of the Emerald Citytrue